Idioms Flashcards
Не торопись,не спеши
Take your time
Just ______ your ______ and concentrate.
Above all,________ your ______ to enjoy the experience.
Без обид
No hard feelings
I’m glad there are___________.
Сохранять спокойствие
Keep one’s shirt on
I understand that losing a job is very stressful,but you should ___________.
Быть в не себя от радости, сходить с ума
Go bananas
She’ll ____________ if she sees we ruined her new dress.
Tony ____________ in excitement over the presents his mom got him
Иметь обиду в себе ( обвиняя в этом других)
Have a chip on one’s shoulder
He _______________ for not being invited to the party.
быть довольным как слон
be thrilled to bits
She was _____________ when she found out she won the contest.
быть в плохом настроении
out of sorts
I’ve been feeling a bit ___________ since I found out that information.
a misery guts
- He can be such ___________ when things don’t go his way at work.
стерпеть, привыкнуть, смириться
grin and bear
When you face tough situations, it’s important to just _________________
делать что-либо из озорства
do something for kicks
I am keen on doing things for kicks, it helps to be infused with energy.
тот, кто сует нос в чужие дела
Some interfering __________ had rung the police.
2. He’s an interfering old ________- who I go out with is none of his business!
о репутации саркастичного человек
a wise apple
Does that kid ever shut up? He’s __________
Quit making rude comments like that, or people will think you’re __________.
a sharp cookie
Dan: “I’m having a heck of a time doing my taxes, I just don’t understand it at all.”
Steve: “You should get in touch with my uncle, he’s one __________!”
a party pooper
Don’t be _________
2. I hate to be _________, but I am really tired
общительный человек
social butterfly
She’s such a ___________
лидер, важный человек
A leading light
As a _________ ___________ of the human rights organization, he helped improve working conditions for millions of people around the world.
a cookie pusher
Hey, you’re getting a reputation as_ ____ ______. Now turn off the TV and go do your chores.
заговорить кого-л. до потери сознания, замучать разговорами
to talk one’s arm off
She has ______ ______ ______ ______ about how great her vacation with her boyfriend was.
гнилой, плохой человек
a rotten egg
She started hanging out with a few _______ ________in her school, and her grades have really suffered ever since.
быть вспыльчивым, легко выходить из себя
to have a short fuse
I was just trying to knock some sense into Joey but he suddenly snapped. I didn’t know he _______ _________ ___ ____.
вряд ли
a fat chance
She has ___ ____ _____ to get the job.
принять трудное решение
to bite the bullet
I don’t actually enjoy cleaning, but I _______ ________ ________ and do it so that everything in my house isn’t covered in a thick layer of dust.
проходили через это
been there, done that
A: “I got back to my car a mere three minutes after the meter expired, and I still got a parking ticket!”
B: “Ugh, _______ ______ _______ _________.”
лить воду ( болтать без смысла)
add too much fluff
I can’t stand people who are constantly ______ _______ ______ ______into their speech.
мне пора ( уходить)
I must be off
I have an interview at 9 a.m so I ________ _____ ______ in 10 minutes.
барьер при продвижении по службе
the glass ceiling
We can break __ ______ ______with our dreams!
получить опыт в какой-либо сфере деятельности
cut one’s teeth
She _____ _______ ________ in journalism at the local newspaper.
находиться в ограниченном бюджете
on a shoestring
I’d love to come out to dinner with you, but I’m _____ a bit of ___ ________at the moment.
тяга к путешествиям
have itchy feet
After finishing exams, many college students get ______ __________to travel and explore new places.
happy go lucky
We can all be _____ ______ _______ if we choose to be positive.