idioms Flashcards
Kill two birds with one stone
Accomplish two things with a single action.
Jump on the bandwagon
To join others in doing something that is currently popular.
Make a long story short
Tell something briefly.
Let the cat out of the bag
Reveal a secret.
Miss the boat
Miss an opportunity
Off the hook
No longer in trouble
No pain, no gain
Effort is required to achieve something worthwhile
On the ball
Very attentive and quick to respond
Once in a blue moon
Something that happens very rarely
Out of the blue
Something unexpected
Piece of cake
Something very easy to do.
Pull someone’s leg
To joke with someone.
Put all your eggs in one basket
Risk everything on a single venture.
Raining cats and dogs
Raining very heavily.
Sit on the fence
To be undecided or neutral about something.
See eye to eye
Agree with someone.
Speak of the devil
When the person you’re talking about appears
Spill the beans
Reveal a secret.
Steal someone’s thunder
Take credit for someone else’s achievement.
Take it with a grain of salt
Not to take something too seriously.
The ball is in your court
It’s your decision or responsibility.
The best of both worlds
All the advantages.
The elephant in the room
An obvious problem or issue that is being ignored.
Throw in the towel
give up admit defeat
Under the weather
Feeling sick or unwell.