Idioms Flashcards
Spremeniti odnos
To have a change of heart
Zlomiti srce
To break someone’s heart
Mocno jokati
To cry your heart out
Biti prizemljen
To have your heart on the right place
Imeti dobro srce
To have a heart of gold
Izpovedati se nekomu
To open your heart to someone
Biti odprt/odkrit
To wear your heart on your sleeve
Zapravljanje casa da bi naredil nekaj kar je brezupno
To bang your head against a brick wall
Nekoga zmerjati
To bite someone’s head off
Ignorirati, skrivati se pred resnico
To bury your head in the sand
Stopiti v glavo
To go to your head
To have your head in the clouds
To hit the nail on the head
Da se komaj drzis nad gladino (financno npr.)
To keep your head above the water
Imeti veliko dela
To have your hands full
Da ti nekdo ‘je iz roke’
To have someone in the palm of your hand
Zelo dobro poznati nekoga
To know someone like the back of your hand
Obtoziti nekoga
To take the law into your own hands
Nekoga razvajati, da mu ni treba postoriti nicesar samemu
To wait on someone hand and footb
Ponuditi pomoc
To lend someone a hand
Da imas ravno dovolj denarja za prezivetje in nic vec
To live from hand to mouth