IDIOMS Flashcards
In hot water
In trouble
Out of the blue
Shoot for the moon
To aim high
Bite the bullet
Difficult situation
Spill the beans
To reveal a secret
All ears
Eager to listen and learn
Cut to the chase
Get to the point
Under the weather
Feeling unwell
On the same page
To be in agreement
All thumbs
Awkward with your hand
Throw in the towel
To give up or quit
Raining cats and dogs
Raining heavily
See eye to eye
To agree on something
Miss the boat
To miss an opportunity
Cold turkey
To quit something abruptly
By the book
Following the rules exactly
Go the extra mile
To put in extra effort
Beats me
I don’t know ( sei la)
Mao de vaca
Fed up
De saco cheio
Cut it out
Para com isso
As if!
Ate parece
Cry wolf
Alarme falso
Spare me
Me poupe
Puxa saco
Just because!
Porque sim / nao
Even so
mesmo assim
At all!
Nem um pouco
How should I know?
Eu sei la
God forbid
Deus me livre
Deal with it!
Aceita que dói menos
Get a life!
Faça algo útil da vida
Lies don’t travel far
Mentira tem perna curta
Keep it real
Mandar a real
Got for it
Vai la
Party pooper
Estraga prazeres
Take it from me
Vai por mim
For God’s sake!
Pelo amor de Deus
Don’t lose heart!
No desanime
I’m only slagging you!
So to te zoando
Mind your business
Cuida da sua vida
Get off my back
Para de encher o saco!
I dare you
We are even!
Estamos quites
That’s disgusting
Que nojo
In a bit
Daqui a pouco
get lost!
Sai fora
I told you so
Eu te avisei
I don’t feel like
Nao estou a fim
God willing!
Se Deu quiser
Serves you right
Bem feito
beat it!
Vaza / some / cai fora