Idioms Flashcards
A dime a dozen
Common & not very valuable
A sight for sore eyes
Something or someone ur glad to see
A taste of your own medicine
Experience same unpleasant thing that you had done to others
All ears
Prepared to hear
At the drop of a hat
To do it immediately
Back on ones feet
Recover after a failure
Beat around the bush
Talk vague instead direct
Best thing since sliced bread
Excellent innovative or new
Bite the bullet
- Accept unpleasant or didn’t
Want to do initially
By the skin of your teeth
Call it a day
End work for the day
Coast is clear
Nothing standing in your way
Costs an arm and a leg
Crack up
Laugh lot and loudly
Cream of the crop
Best quality
Cut somebody some slack
Go easy as the y have been through enough
Drive someone up the wall
Make person angry or annoyed
Egg someone on
Urging to do something often bad
Elephant in the room
Obviously embarrassing unpleasant. And no one wants to talk about it
Fan the flames
Worsen something that is already bad
Far cry from l
Different from something else
Fish for compliments
Attempt to make someone compliment you
Fly off the handle
Become very very angry
Full of hot air
Get a kick out of something
Find something very interesting
Get out of hand
Loss of control
Get your act together
Get yourself organised
Get to the bottom of it
Solve a mystery
Give someone a hand
Help someone out