Idiomatic Uses Of Point Flashcards
Come to/get to/reach the point
Give the important part of what one is trying to say
дойти до сути дела, до главного, решающего момента
Keep to the point
Limit oneself to what is relevant to the subject being discussed
говорить по существу, не отклоняться от темы
Get away from/ off the point
Say something irrelevant
Point out
Draw attention to something
Make a point
Express your opinion, offer an argument, e.g. He made several valuable points at out last production meeting
Make a point of
Make a special effort to, e.g. I shall make a point of visiting our agent when I go to Madrid next week
On the point of
About to do something , e.g. I was on the point of leaving my office when I got a telex from Japan
Up to a point
Not completely
partly, to some extent, to a certain degree, in part, somewhat, partially
In a forceful, direct manner
категорически, наотрез, прямо, резко, решительно