Idiomatic expressions ENGLISH TO SPANISH Flashcards
To take place
Tener lugar
To keep in mind, to take into account
Tener presente
To be right
Estar en lo cierto
To take charge of
Hacerse cargo de
To mean
Querer decir
To be about to
Estar a punto de
To be due to
Deberse a
To hold one´s attention
Mantener el interés
To hit the mark, hit the nail on the head
Dar en el blanco
Throughout, along
A lo largo
To be worthwhile
Valer la pena
To take place
Llegar a ser
To emphasize
Hacer hincapié en
In the end, after all
A fin de cuentas
Por desgracia
Should be
Debe de ser
To carry out, to accomplish
Llevar al cabo
To agree with someone
Sentarle bien a alguien
Al pie de la letra
To take into account
Tener en cuenta
To be in favor of
Estar por
To pay attention to
Hacerle caso a
Fully, thoroughly, full scale
A fondo
If anything
En todo caso