Idiographic & Nomothetic^ Flashcards
focus on uniqueness of the ind in detail
Small Sample Sizes
investigate a single person
to undertand them
but general laws about the beh can still be made
Qualitative Methods
case studies, interviews
get lot of details about a certain beh
themes are identified and applied
- help those going through similar experience
focus on groups of people
establish general laws of beh
Quantitative Methods
experiments, structured interviews, statistical analyses
Establish general laws
Large Sample Sizes
Which can be applied to individuals
Through medical diagnosis
Statistically Analysed Data
produce that data to help account for beh
Complete Account
IdA contributed to NA
gives more of an explanation or can erfute the general laws established by the NA
give areas of research that need to be studied more
VS Complete Account
small sizes used
can’t generalise with validity without more examples giving the same results or without a baseline (CG) to compare
IdA is less likely to be scientific, more open to bias and can be subjective
Scientific Credibility
Both approaches abide by the aims of science
IDA aims to make methods more objective via triangulation
Findings from various qualitative studies are compared to increase validity
Researchers try to be conscious of their own biases and how they influence the analysis of the results
Losing the Person
With the NA we don’t get a lot of detail to the ind experience
Knowing the likelihood of someone developing a psychological condition is beneficial
But it tells us little about their experience with dealing with the info and developing it