Idiographic and Nomotheitc Approches to psychological investigation Flashcards
What is the idiographic and nomothetic approaches to psychological investigation a debate on?
Debate not onhow to best describe a behaviour, but about the best method to investigate behaviour
what is the idiographic-nomothetic debate in psychology concern?
whether investigations should adopt an idiographic approach, which focuses on individuals and what makes people unique; or whether to adopt a nomothetic approach, which focuses on studying groups of people in order to formulate general laws/principles of behaviour so people can be compared and measured.
What does each approach have implications for?
the types of research method that psychologists use
what research methods do idiographic approaches use?
qualitative research methods
what research methods do nomothetic approaches use?
Quantitative research methods
what is the idiographic approach in psychology as an approach to psychological research focus on?
the individual as a means of understanding behaviour- People are studied as unique entities, each with their own subjective experiences, motivations and values. They do not seek to generalise to others from research and believe it is irrelevant to try to develop universal laws of behaviour.
What does the idiographic approach generally associated with?
case studies and unstructured interviews- this reflects one of the central aims of idiographic research: to describe the richness of human experience and gain insight into people’s unique way of viewing the world
What would strong supporters of the idiographic approach be unlikely to do?
conduct large-scale studies or use quantitative methods at all
what does a nomothetic approach involve?
studying a sample of participants, with the main aim, to produce general laws/principles of behaviour- these provide a ‘benchmark’ against which people can be compared, classified and measured, and on the basis of which, likely behaviour can be predicted and/or controlled
what is the nomothetic approach most closely aligned with?
with those research methods that would be regarded as ‘scientific’ within psychology such as experiments- These involve the study of large numbers of people in order to establish ways in which people are similar which will simultaneously inform us of the ways in which people are different from one another.
what approaches are nomothetic?
-The Biological Approach
-The Behaviour Approach
-The Social Learning Theory
how is the biological approach a nomothetic approach?
suggests that humans share similar physiology and that we can make general laws regarding behaviour-laboratory experiments are used to generate quantitative data to make generalisations
how is the behaviourist approach a nomothetic approach?
-creates general laws of behaviour (e.g. cause and effect, stimulus response relationships) and uses laboratory experiments to generate quantitative data to make generalisations.
-The behaviourist approach proposes general laws for all animals – humans and non-humans
How is social learning theory a nomothetic approach?
-aims to establish general laws of behaviour (e.g. we learning through observation and imitation of role models).
-SLT uses laboratory experiments to generate quantitative data to make generalisations.
what are examples that adopt nomothetic and idiographic approaches?
-cognitive psychology
-psychodynamic approach