Identifying Ancient Works - section 2 Flashcards
Features/aspects of each work to assist in identifying a passage from it
Selections from Elegy 2, Anacreon
Key words/themes:
1. Love,
2. drinking games,
3. symposium,
4. erotism,
5. Eros,
6. Cleoboulos
Antigone, Sophocles
- Characters: Kreon, Antigone, Oedipus, Ismene, Polynices, Eteocles
- Pollution in Thebes
- Law forbidding the burying of Polynices
- The religious responsibility of women
From the Clouds, Aristophanes
- Characters: Pheidippides, Strepsiades, Socrates
- Dissing Euripides, Socrates
- Rhetoric
- Arguing in favor of abusing elders
Aetia, Callimachus
- Reminiscent of Homer
- Questioning of membership and whether the reader is in the know
- Minor mythological figures
- Incredibly fragmented
Encomium of Helen, Gorgias
- Symmetry in sentences
- In defense of Helen
- Epideictic oratory
The Histories, Herodotus
- Interest in Persian Wars and what caused the the Persian Wars
- Willingness to admit there are aspects of history which remain unclear to him
- Indulges religiosity and divinity in his account of history
- Characters Xerces, Candeules, Gyges
Theogony, Hesiod
- Titans, Olympian gods
- Great battles
- Origin of the cosmos
On Airs, Waters and Places, Hippocrates
- Effects of the seasons on people
- Diagnosing
- Archival prose
- Explanations
The Hymn of Demeter, Homeric Hymns
- Homeric writing style
- Characters: Demeter, Persephone, Hades, Metaneira
- Key terms: eleusis, grief
The Iliad, Homer
- Characters: Achilles, Agamemnon, Peleus, Athena, Priam, Hektor
- Trojan War
- Themes: anger, sulking, recognition
Panegyricus, Isocrates II
- Panhellenism
- Uniting Greeks against Persians
- King’s Peace
- Epideictic Oratory
True Histories/Lucius or the Ass, Lucian
- Parody, comedy, exaggeration
- Roman/Hellenistic Scholarship
- Criticism of tradition
Lyric Selections, Sappho/Alcaeus/Anacreon/Alcman
1. Aphrodite,
2. love,
3. desire,
4. vulnerability
1. Lyric,
2. political,
3. illusion of historical accuracy
1. Self-deprecating,
2. imaging own success
1. Symposiastic,
2. crude perspective of women
On the Murder of Eratosthenes, Lysias
- Forensic oratory
- Affair, murder, assembly
- Athens
Medea, Euripides
- Characters: Medea, Jason, Aegeus, Corinth
- Murder, magic, poison, revenge