Identification Flashcards
FIRST LEVEL of co-operative under this Act formed either by individual or by Groups
Primary Co-operative
PRESENT AMONG PEOPLE BELONGING to the same club or organization, same profession, or same labor union.
MEMBERS WORK in the same industrial plant, same government institution
MEMBERS LIVE or work in the same barangay, city, municipality
members belong to the SAME OCCUPATION or industry.
Is the INTENDED COOP’S feasibility study.
Economic Survey
Cooperative have LIMITED LIABILITY, meaning the financial liability of a cooperative does not exceed its subscribed share capital.
Liability of Cooperatives
Cooperatives CAN EXIST FOR MAXIMUM of 50 years at any one grant of juridical existence.
Term of Existence of Cooperatives
LAY DOWN THE RULES by which the cooperative will and must operate.
Is the OPERATIVE ACT that gives the cooperative its juridical personality
PERSON SEEKING the formation of the corporation (spending, therefore, and talking to potential investors) is called a PROMOTER.
Promoter’s Contracts
BREAKING UP of a Cooperative into two or more independent units to form new Cooperatives.
Division of Cooperatives
MEANS THE FUSION into one of two or more cooperatives.
IT HAPPENS when two or more cooperatives become one and altogether new cooperative.
ASSOCIATION COMPOSED of primary cooperatives and secondary cooperatives with either single or multipurpose business activities.
ORGANIZATION OF REGISTERED cooperatives and federations formed to represent the interest and welfare of all types of cooperatives at the provincial, city, regional, and national levels
Cooperative Union
Designed to engaged in EDUCATION AND ADVOCACY
Cooperative Union
Designed to engage in BUSINESS IN FAVOR of cooperative members to promote growth and survival
Cooperative Federation
ENTITLED TO ALL RIGHTS and privileges of membership.
Regular member
who has NO RIGHT to vote nor be voted upon and shall be entitled only to such rights and privileges as the by-laws may provide.
Associate member
shares that are SOLD TO REGULAR MEMBERS. Common shares are voting shares.
Common shares
shares that are sold to ASSOCIATE MEMBERS. Preferred shares are nonvoting shares.
Preferred shares
cooperative ORGANIZED BY MINORS shall be considered a laboratory cooperative and must be affiliated with a registered cooperative
Laboratory Cooperatives
SHALL BE DEEMED a member after APPROVAL of his membership by the board of directors
Application for Membership