Idek Flashcards
What medication is linked with a side effect of Tardive Dyskinesia
Selective serotonin retake inhibitors
Reputable of serotonin is an
One of the most commonly knowns SSRIs is a
ECT has shown to be most effective to treat
More confrontational therapy is
Free association, dream interpretation, resistance, transference (what kind of therapy)
Eclectic therapy/client centered, active listening, unconditional positive regard
Token economy, exposure therapy, aversion therapy, systematic desensitization therapy, progressive relaxation, virtual reality exposure
John Watson (behaviorist) BF Skinner (operant)
Rational emotive behavior therapy, group therapy, family therapy
Cognitive – behavioral therapy (Albert Ellis)
Antipsychotics, anti-depressants, mood stabilizers, anti-anxiety
Biomedical therapy
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), Psychosurgery/lobotomy
Alternative therapies
dry mouth, dizziness, weight gain, blurred vision, loss of menstrual periods, movement effects like a tremor or stiffness
Antipsychotics side effects
Blurred vision, confusion and agitation, constipation, difficulty urinating, drowsiness, dry mouth, hallucinations
Anti-depressant side effects
Tremors, diarrhea, headaches, weight gain, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, dry mouth, blurred vision
Mood stabilizers (side effects)