ID scheme for G- bacteria Flashcards
G- Cocci
growth in air (no)
G- Cocci
growth in air (yes)
G- Cocci
growth in air (yes)
growth on Thayer-Martin medium (no)
Neisseria spp.
not relevant to us
G- Cocci
growth in air (yes)
growth on Thayer-Martin medium (yes)
N. lactamica
N. gonorrhoeae
N. meningitidis
G- Cocci
growth in air (yes)
growth on Thayer-Martin medium (yes)
ONPG (yes)
N. lactamica
G- Cocci growth in air (yes) growth on Thayer-Martin medium (yes) ONPG (no) uses Glucose (yes) uses Maltose (no)
N. gonorrhoeae
G- Cocci growth in air (yes) growth on Thayer-Martin medium (yes) ONPG (no) uses Glucose (yes) uses Maltose (yes)
N. meningitidis
G- Bacilli
growth in air (no)
Kanamycin 1000 g (S)
G- Bacilli
growth in air (no)
Kanamycin 1000 g (R)
G- Bacilli
growth in air (no)
Kanamycin 1000 g (R)
Penicillin, 2U (R)
B. fragilis
G- Bacilli
growth in air (no)
Kanamycin 1000 g (R)
Penicillin, 2U (S)
Bacteroides spp. (not relevant to us)