ID Flashcards
RF neonatal sepsis + micro causes + Mx
maternal chdorioamnionitis
- E.coli
other GNB
- klebisiella
- acintobacter
staph aureus
Abx therapy
- recommended to treat if suspect
- safe to stop abx after 2-3 days if cultures negative
- risk of abx → NEC + death
neonatal most common causes of meningitis vs post neonatal + how to Rx
neonatal meningitis
- e.coli
- GBS = strep agalactiae (listeria - requires penicillin for Rx)
Rx IV 3rd gen cephalosporin + amp
post neonatal meningitis (>3 months)
s. pneumoniae
n. meningiditis
Rx IV 3rd gen cephalosporin
+ vancomycin
key causes of meningitis (neonate + child) + their gram stain appearances
GBS - GPC in chains strep. pneumoniae - GPC pairs/diplococci listeria - G+ cocco-bacilli e.coli - GNB s.aureus GPC in clusters neiseria meningitis - GNB HiB - G+ cocco-bacilli
Treatment meningitis in children
GP/community empiric Rx
child <1 yo = 300mg IM benpen
1-9yo = 600mg
>9 yo or adult 1.2g
0 - 6mo: ampicillin + cefotaxime (to cover GBS, e coli, listeria, strep faecalis)
> 6mo: cefotaxime (meningococcus, pneumococcous, HiB)
pneumococcal or LP not done: cefotaxime + vanc (resistant pneumococcus)
3rd gen cephalosporin (ceftriaxone/cefotaxime)
add vanc if GPC or known/suspected OM/sinusitis or recent betalactam Rx
+/- penicillin/ampicillin if <3mo or >50yo or immunocompromised, pregnant, etoh misuse, debilitated
(risk of listeria ∴ inherently resistent to listeria)
if due to resistant pneumococci
→ increase the dose of penicillin/ampicillin/cephalosporin
→ change to vanc + cefotaxime
NB: in ALL children >3mo w suspected or confirmed bacterial meningitis, give
Dexamethasone 0.15mg/kg QID for 4 days
complications of bacterial meningitis
death 2-5%
ID, spasticity, seizures, hydrocephalus, deafness in 10 -15%
learning + behaviour disorder 25 - 45%
chemoprophylaxis meningitis - when/who/which bacteria?
meningococcal infection
- rifampicin/ceftriaxone/ciproflox
- treat ALL household contacts
- rifampicin, only if child <4 yo