ICT Flashcards
What is a bug
A bug is something that has gone wrong - an error
In syntax what colour does the error come up as
What does a hashtag mean
A comment that tells someone what the code does
What is a variable
A variable is something you can use and assign a value to
What colour does the text come up as
What is a bug
A bug is is when something is wrong with the program you are using so it stops working
What is an intergers
Something that holds whole numbers
What is a string
Something that holds both letters and numbers
What is a float
Float is numbers with decimal points
What can a variable only contain
Letters , numbers and underscores
Can a variable start with a number
Can you use reserved words for a variable
What does if give you
Two options
What is a selection in a computer program
It is where the computer gets a choice
What is a loop
It is something that keeps on going till the critiria has been met