ICS100 Flashcards
What size incidents can the incident command system (ICS) be used for?
ICS can be used for small incidents all the way to large and complex ones.
Can be used by all types of organizations and at all levels of government
ICS Can be used not only for emergencies but what else?
planned events
ICS Enables a coordinated response among who?
Various jurisdictions and agencies
ICS Establishes what for incident level planning and resource management?
common processes
What does ICS do within a common organizational structure?
It allows for the integration of resources such as facilities, equipment, and personnel.
Using ICS for every incident or planned event provides what?
This will help to maintain and improve skills needed to effectively coordinate larger or more complex efforts
what is a systematic, proactive approach to guide all levels of government, non-governmental organizations (NGO’s),and the private sector to work together to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from the effects of incidents.
The national incident management system
What provides a consistent foundation for all incidents, ranging from daily occurrences two incidents requiring a coordinated federal response?
NIMS Is organized into what three major components?
- resource management
- command and coordination (ICS)
- Communications and information management
True or false? The incident command system is just one part of Nims.
What provides a systematic, proactive approach guiding departments and agencies at all levels of government, the private sector and non-governmental organizations to work seamlessly to prevent, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate the effects of incidence, regardless of cars, size, location, or complexity, in order to reduce the loss of life and property, and harm to the environment?
What two levels require actions to institutionalize do use of ICS?
- Policy level (written policies)
2. organizational level (integrated into all levels)
What represents a course set of doctrine, concepts, principles, terminology, and organizational processes that enables effective, efficient, and collaborative incident management?
What are four benefits of ICS?
- clarifying chain of command and supervision responsibilities to improve accountability
- providing an orderly, systematic planning process
- implementing a common, flexible, predefined management structure4. Fostering cooperation between diverse disciplines and agencies
What three things does ICS help to ensure?
- The safety of responders, community members, and others
- The achievement of incident objectives
- The efficient use of resources
What is an agency administrator/executive?
The official responsible for administering policy for an agency or jurisdiction
What is an assigned resource?
an assigned resource is a resource that has been checked in and assigned work tasks on an incident
What is an assignment?
a task given to a person or team to perform based on operational objectives defined in the IAP
What is an assistant?
An assistant is the title for a subordinate of principle command staff and EOC director staff positions.
This title indicates a level of technical capability, qualification, and responsibility subordinate to the primary positions assistance
(may also be assigned to unit leaders.)
Does in assisting agency have direct responsibility for incident management?
Yes and assisting agency is an agency or organization providing personnel, services, or other resources to the agency with direct responsibility for incident management.
What do you call a resource assigned to an incident that is checked in and available for assignment?
An available resource
What is badging?
The assignment of physical incident-specific credentials to establish legitimacy and permit access to incident sites
What is the organizational level having geographical or functional responsibility for major aspects of incident operations?
What is the geographical site within the general incident area that is equipped and staffed to provide sleeping, food, water, and sanitary services to incident personnel?
separate from the incident Bass
What is the process of authoritatively a testing that individuals meet qualifications established for key incident management functions and or, therefore, qualified for specific positions?
What is chain of command?
Chain of command is the orderly line of authority within the ranks of incident management organizations.
What do you call the process through which resources first report to an incident?
this is where everyone gets an assignment
what is the ICS title for individuals responsible for the management of the functional sections (operations, planning, logistics, and finance/administration)?
example: chief of operations
Should communications use codes or clear text?
Clear text or plain language is required.
What is command?
command is the active directing, ordering, or controlling by virtue of explicit statutory, regulatory, or delegated authority
What do you call a group of incident personnel the incident commander (or unified command) assigns to support the command function at an ICP?
command staff
What positions are often included on a command staff?
Command staff often include a PIO, a safety officer, and a liaison officer.
What is a cooperating agency?
An agency supplying assistance other than direct operational or support functions or resources to the incident management effort.
What are assets, systems, and networks, whether physical or virtual, so vital to the United States that the incapacitation or destruction of such assets, systems, or networks would have a debilitating impact on security, national economic security, national public health or safety, or any combination of those matters?
critical infrastructure
What do you call the orderly, safe, and official return of an incident resource to its original location and status?
DE mobilization.
what is a deputy?
I fully qualified individual who, in the absence of a superior, can be delegated the authority to manage a functional operation or to perform a specific task.
what is the ICS title for individuals responsible for supervision of a branch?
(it’s also a title for an individual responsible for managing and directing the team in an EOC)
dispatch is the ordered movement of resources:
- to an assigned operational mission
2. and administrative move from one location to another
A division is the organizational level having responsibility for operations where?
within a defined geographic area.
Divisions are established with a number of resources exceeds the manageable span of control the section chief
What kind of incident constitutes an emergency?
Any incident, whether natural, technological, or human caused, that necessitates responsive action to protect life and property
what is an emergency management assistance compact? (EMAC)
A congressionally ratified agreement that allows interstate mutual aid. One state can help another.
What is the physical location where the coordination of information and resources to support incident management activities normally take place?
This may be a temporary facility or located in the more central or permanently established facility perhaps at a higher level of organization within a jurisdiction
what do you call a plan for responding to a variety of potential hazards called?
An emergency operations plan
What is an emergency support function
The grouping of governmental in certain private sector capabilities into an organizational structure to provide capabilities and services most likely needed to manage domestic incidents.
How would you define evacuation?
The organize, phased, and supervise withdrawal, dispersal, or removal of people from dangerous or potentially dangerous areas, and their reception and care in safe areas
Which I see a section is responsible for the incidence administrative and financial considerations?
The finance administration section
What is the general staff comprised of?
A group of incident personnel organized according to function and reporting to the incident commander. The ICS staff consists of 1. the operations section chief 2. planning section chief 3. logistics section chief and 4. finance/administration section chief
True or false? Groups are composed of resources assembled to perform a special function not necessarily within a single geographic area.
what is an incident action plan?IAP
An oral or written plan containing the objectives established by the incident commander
Where do you personnel coordinate and administer logistic functions for an incident?
incident Base
there’s typically only one base per incident
The ICP maybe Co-located with the incident base
Who has overall authority and responsibility for conducting incident operations?
What do you call a team of ICS qualified personnel, configured according to ICS, the deploy in support of affected jurisdictions and/or unseen personnel?
Incident management assistance teams
What is an incident objectives?
A statement of an outcome to be accomplished or achieved. Incident objectives are used to select strategies and tactics.
Incident objectives should be what?
realistic, achievable, and measurable, yet flexible enough to allow strategic and tactical alternatives
What function does the intelligence or investigations serve?
Efforts to determine the source or cause of the incident in order to control its impact or help prevent similar incidents from occurring.
what is the ability of systems, personnel, and equipment to provide and receive functionality, data, information, and/or services to and from other systems, personnel, and equipment, between both public and private agencies, departments, and other organizations, and a manner enabling them to operate effectively together.
what is a joint field office?JFO
It’s the primary federal incident management field structure
What area serves as the central point of contact for all news media?
JIC The joint information center
It serves as a central point of contact for all news media, it is a facility in which personnel coordinate incident related public information activities.
what is a joint information system?
A structure that integrates over arching incident information and public affairs into a cohesive organization designed to provide consistent, cohesive, coordinated, accurate, and timely information during crisis or incident operations.
What are the two definitions of jurisdiction related to?
1.Public agencies have jurisdiction and an incident related to their legal responsibilities and authority
- jurisdictional authority at an incident can be political or geographical and/or functional.
(for example: boundary lines between states or functional, like police and fire)
What do you call a class or group of items or people of the same nature or character or classified together because they have traits in common?
what is the ICS title for an individual who is responsible for supervision of a unit, strike team, resource team, or task force?
Liaison officer is a member of the ICS command staff and is responsible for what?
coordinating with representatives from cooperating and assisting agencies and organizations.
Logistics is the process and procedure for providing what to support incident management?
resources and other services
Who is responsible for providing facilities, services, and material support for the incident?
The logistics section
Management by objectives is a management approach fundamental to Nims that involves what four things?
- establishing objectives that are measurable and realistic
- identifying strategies, tactics, and tasks to achieve objectives
- performing tactics and tasks and measuring results and achieving objectives
- Taking correct of action to modify strategies and tactics to achieve the objectives.
The manager is the individual within an ICS organizational unit assigned what kind of responsibilities?
example: staging area manager, camp manager
What is the mission area?
1 of 5 areas (Prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery) designated in the national preparedness goal to group core capabilities.
Mitigation is the capability necessary to reduce what?
To reduce the loss of life and property from natural or man-made disasters by lessening the impact of disasters
what is a mutual aid agreement or assistance agreement?
A written or oral agreement between and among agencies and organizations and or jurisdictions that provides a mechanism to quickly obtain assistance in the form of personnel, equipment, materials, and other associated services.
What is the primary objective of a mutual aid agreement?
To facilitate the rapid, short term deployment of support prior to, during, and or after an incident.
What is the national planning framework do?
The fosters a shared understanding of roles and responsibilities
“from the fire house to the White House”
and clarify how the nation coordinates, shares information, and works together ultimately resulting in a more secure and resilient nation.
What do you call the actions taken to plan, organize, equipped, train, and exercise to build and sustain the capabilities necessary to prevent, protect against, mitigate the effects of, respond to, and recover from those threats that pose the greatest risk to the security of our nation?
National preparedness
Where does multi agency coordination Senter?
National response coordination center (FEMA headquarters)
What is a group that is based on the interest of its members, individuals, or institutions.
ex: church, animal welfare org, etc
what do you call the activation level that describes routine monitoring of jurisdictional situation (where no event or incident as anticipated.)
Normal operations/steady state
What is the ICS title for a member of the command staff authorized to make decisions and take action related to their area of responsibility?
What is a typical length of an operational.?
typically 12-24 hours.
which ICS section is responsible for implementing tactical incident operations described in the IAP?
operations section
The operations section may include subordinate branches, divisions, and or groups.
What is an organization?
an association or group of people with like objectives.
ex: NGO’s, private sector, governmental departments
What is an incident that is a scheduled non-emergency activity?
A planned event
ex: jag game, new years, etc
which ICS section collects, evaluates, and disseminate operational information related to the incident and for the preparation and documentation of the IAP?
The planning section
This section also maintains information on the current and forecasted situation and on the status of resources assigned to the Incident
The private sector include organizations and individuals that are not part of any governmental structure some examples of private sector include what
For profit and not for profit organizations, formal and informal structures, commerce, and industry.
what do public information officer’s do?
they communicate timely and accurate information to the MEDIA, public, responders, and additional stakeholders.
What is the process that all incident personnel and staff used to maintain information regarding the location and status of resources?
Resource tracking.
Resources are described how?
kind and type
Maybe use an operational support or supervisory capacity is at an incident or an EOC..
What do you call personnel, equipment, teams, Supplies, and facilities available or potentially available for assignment to incident operations and for which status is maintained?
Which member of the command staff is responsible for monitoring incident operations and advising the incident commander on all matters relating to operational safety?
The safety officer modifies or stops the work of personnel to prevent unsafe acts
What is it individual, a piece of equipment and it’s personal compliment or a crew/team of individuals with an identified work supervisor they can be used on an incident?
single resource
How is information confirmed or verified regarding specific details relating to an incident?
situation report
What is the term for the ratio of supervisors to individuals?
Span of control is the number of subordinates for which a supervisor is responsible
What is the status report?
Reports such as spot reports that include vital and or time sensitive information.
They are typically function specific less formal than sit reports are not always issued on a specific schedule.
What is the strike team?
set number of resources of the same kind and tape that have an established minimum number of personnel, communications and a leader
What is the I CS title for an individual responsible for a division or group
What is the task force?
Any combination of resources of different kinds indoor types of simple to support a specific mission or operational need
Terrorism is an activity that involves an act that is dangerous to human life or potentially destructive a critical infrastructure and is a violation of the criminal laws United States and it appears to be intended to do what?
Intimidate or coerce a civilian population or to influence policy of government, or to affect the conduct of government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping.
Can a threat be natural or man-made?
both, It could also be an individual, and entity, or an action having or indicating the potential to harm life, information, operations, the environment, and our property.
What is a unified area command?
And I CS application use when more than one agency has incident jurisdiction or when incidents cross political jurisdictions.
A unit is the organizational element with functional responsibility for a specific activity within what sections?
Planning, logistics, and finance/administration sections
What does FEMA and other incident management organizations use as an alternative to latitude and longitude?
The United States national grid
What is unity of command?
A Nims guiding principle that each individual involved in an incident management reports to and takes direction from only one person.
What is unity of effort?
A Nims guiding principle that provides coordination through cooperation and common interests and does not interfere with federal department and agency supervisory, command, or statutory authorities
Regarding common terminology organizations should avoid what during an incident?
Organization should avoid radio codes, agency specific codes acronyms or jargon. This causes confusion and misunderstanding.
Is the I CS organizational structure top down or bottom up?
It is a top down, flexible structure.
Who is Stabley she is the incident objectives that drive incident operations?
The incident commander
Management by objective is includes what four things?
- establishing specific, measurable incident objectives
- Identifying strategies, tactics, tasks and activities to achieve the objectives
- Developing and issuing assignments, plans, procedures, and protocols to accomplish identified tasks.
- Documenting results for the incident objectives.
What kind of plan is concise, coherent means of capturing them communicating overall incident priorities, objectives, strategies, tactics, and assignments in the context of both operational support activities?
incident action plan(IAP)
To be effective what things should and IAP specify?
Time frame, be proactive, establish objectives, name activities to be completed, assign responsibilities, identify resources needed, and specify communication protocols
For smaller or less complex incidence the IEP Canby what?
oral or written
What IAP incident requires a written plan regardless of size?
What is the optimal span of control according to ICS?
Why are integrated communications necessary?
To maintain connectivity, achieve situational awareness, and to facilitate information sharing.
In unified command how is the single commander selected?
in unified command there is no single commander, instead the unified command manages the incident through jointly approved objectives. This allows agencies with different functions to work together.
What is chain of command?
an orderly line of authority through an organization.
Chain of command avoids confusion by requiring the orders flow from supervisors
What is the difference between chain of command and unity of command?
While chain of command relates to the overall hierarchy of the organization, unity of command deals with the fact that all individuals have a single designated supervisor they report to you.
When you are assigned to an incident do you report directly to your day today Supervisor?
Not while assigned to an incident, you report only to your incident command system supervisor
How does responder receive an assignment?
by reporting in.
Checking out is just as critical as checking in.
Accountability for resource tracking by supervisors starts when?
accountability starts as soon as a resource is requested through the time that the resource returns to their homebase safely.
Resources should refrain from doing what?
resources should refrain from self dispatching to avoid overburdening the incident command.
After checking you will locate your incident supervisor and obtain your initial briefing. this briefing should include the following items…
Current situation assessment, identification of your specific job responsibilities, identification of coworkers, location of work area, identification of break areas as appropriate, procedural instructions for obtaining needed resources, operational./Work shifts, and required safety procedures and PPE equipment
Regarding information and intelligence management what does the term intelligence refer to?
Intelligence refers exclusively to threat related information developed by law-enforcement, medical surveillance, and other Investigative organizations.
what qualifications should an incident commander have?
And incident commander should have training, experience, and expertise to serve.
Qualifications should not be based on rank alone.
An incident commander may appoint one or more deputies, however what should the deputies possess?
Full qualifications to assume the incident commander’s position.
What are some reasons for a transfer of command?
A more qualified incident commander arrives and assumes command.
a jurisdiction or agency that’s legally required to take command. (ex:FBI)
The incident changes in complexity.
Or the current incident commander needs to rest.
During a transfer of command there should always be a briefing. Is this briefing oral or written?
A transfer of command briefing can be oral written or a combination of both
Who should be notified of a transfer of command?
The rest of the incident staff should be notified of the transfer of command.
True or false? It should be recognized the transition of command on an expanding incident is to be expected.
The transfer of command does not reflect on the competency of the current incident commander.
Who determines the appropriate time for the transfer of command? The incoming or outgoing incident commander?
The incoming incident commander
What is an advantage of assigning the previous incident commander another assignment on the incident?
The initial incident commander retains firsthand knowledge of the incident site
The command staff is comprised of the public information officer, the safety officer, and the liaison officer who do they report directly to?
The incident commander
Affective incident management consists of what four over arching areas of responsibility?
- Direct tactical response
- Incident support through coordination an information gathering
- Policy guidance and decision making
- Keeping the media and public informed
The EOC is a physical (or virtual) location where who comes together?
Staff from multiple agencies come together to address eminent threats and hazards
An EOC is staffed with people representing their own agency that equip and provide what?
Equipped with mechanisms for communicating with the incident site and
providing support to the incident by obtaining resources.
(applicable at different levels of government… Federal, state, territorial, tribal, and local)
The joint information center deals primarily with what?
Public information for media
Who does the planning section chief report to?
The incident commander
The operations section chief, planning section chief, logistics section chief, and the finance/administration section chief all report directly to the incident commander
In an expanding incident, the incident commander will first established which section?
Operations section
The remaining sections are established as needed to support the operation
If a staging area was established who would manage it?
The operations section chief would manage a staging area
What does the operations section chief responsibilities include?
Operation section chief organizers, signs, and supervisors all the tactical a response resources assigned to the incident. They are so responsible for developing and implementing strategies and tactics to accommodate the incident objectives.
What does the planning chief do?
- Oversees the collection, evaluation, and dissemination of operational information related to the incident
- prepare and disseminate the incident action plan (IAP)
- Track the status of all incident resources
Which section would ensure responders have accurate information and provides resources such as maps and floorplans?
planning section
What is the logistics section responsible for?
Providing facilities, services, and material support for the Incident.
Is logistics more critical or a simple or complex incidents?
Which section is responsible for ensuring the well-being of responders by providing food water and medical services?
They are also responsible for arranging communication, equipment, computers, transportation, and anything else needed to support the incident
The finance and administration section chief is responsible for all of the financial and cost analysis aspects on an incident these include what?
Contract negotiation, recording personnel and equipment time, documenting and processing claims for accidents and injuries occurring at the incident, and keeping a running tally of the costs associated with the incident.
If no operations section is established, who will perform all operations and functions?
The operations section is typically the first organization to be assigned to the incident and it develops how?
Develops from the bottom up
Which section is responsible for developing plans for Demobilization?
Planning section
Which section chief determines whether to activate any additional staffing that is needed?
The logistics section chief
LOGISTICS is like a Mom in her duties:
- knowing how many ppl and where they are.
- communication
- food
- camp (facilities)
- support transportation (mom taxi)
- medical to incident personnel.
The finance/administration section will be designated by the incident commander and does the following what things?
The time, compensation/claims, costs, and procurement units may be established within the section
The finance/administration section is responsible for the following things
- contract negotiation and monitoring
- timekeeping
- cost analysis
- compensation for injury or damage
- documenting for reimbursement (for ex: under mutual aid agreements)