ICL 1.3: Renal Physiology II Flashcards
what is tubular reabsorption?
almost all the H2O and the majority of salt/solutes are reabsorbed and most of this reabsorption is in the proximal tubule!!
reabsorption of: glucose, AA, proteins, vitamins, lactate, urea, uric acid, Na+, K+, Ca+2, Mg+2, Cl-, HCO3-, H2O
reabsorption in the PCT is iso-osmotic!!! so there’s no change in the osmolarity of the PCT glomerular filtrate vs the blood –> but beyond the PCT, reabsorption is NOT iso-osmotic because there’s stuff being reabsorbed without it being balanced out and it’s not the same osmolality as the plasma
some secretion happens in the PCT but not much, just urea, uric acid, creatinine and some drugs
which molecules are freely filtered?
- electrolytes: Na, K, Cl, HCO3
- metabolic waste: urea, creatinine
- metabolites: Glucose, AA, organic acids
- small proteins and peptides: Insulin, myoglobin
which molecules are not freely filtered?
- plasma proteins: albumin
2. lipid soluble substances attached to proteins: thyroxine, hormones, bilirubin
a substance is freely filtered. which of the following would have the same concentration for this substance as the peripheral plasma?
A. glomerular filtrate
B. afferent arteriole
C. efferent arteriole
D. all of the above
D. all of the above
the concentration of ANY substance that is freely filtered is the same proportion as water in the blood!
PCT is not in the same proportion as water; glucose is absorbed more than water in the PCT – but osmolarity will be the same
what are the properties of the cortex?
- vascular endothelium (peritubular capillaries) is fenestrated and allows for reabsorption –> this isn’t a thing in the medulla
- transport is governed almost exclusively by events in the tubular epithelium
- cortical interstitium has an osmolality and small solute concentration close to plasma!
what are the properties of the medulla?
- only some regions of the vasculature fenestrated
- blood flow and transport events are less rapid
- transport depend on BOTH the vascular endothelium and tubular epithelium
- medullary interstitium NOTplasma-like in composition; it has high salt concentration and high osmolarity!
what are the dominant mechanisms of tubular reabsorption?
- paracellulartransport across the epithelium by passing through the intercellular space between the cells.
- transcellular transport: movement THROUGH cells via passive diffusion or active transport
they have to cross two membranes: through apical membrane into the cell & then through basolateral membrane
both methods are highly regulated!!
the functioning of what is critical for the paracellular movement of water across the nephron tubule?
Na+/K+ ATPase pump
it actively pumps Na+ out into the blood and reabsorbs it so water follows the gradient and is also reabsorbed!
how is tubular reabsorption regulated?
it’s regulated by multiple nervous, hormonal, and local control mechanisms
the nice thing is that reabsorption of some solutes can be regulated independently of others –> if there’s a lot of Na+ in your body and you want to excrete it but you don’t want to lose Cl- or K+ then you can excrete the Na+ without losing the other ions too
glomerulotubular balance = ability of the tubules (mainly proximal ) to increase the reabsorption rate with increased tubular load (% of GFR reabsorbed remains constant) –> so if your GFR changes and it isn’t accompanied by an increase in tubular reabsorption you’ll be losing a lot of important stuff!
it buffers the effects of spontaneous changes in GFR on urine output like autoregulatory mechanisms (tubuloglomerular feedback)
what might be regulated by the tubuloglomerular feedback?
B. tubular reabsorption
signal is coming from the tubule to the glomerulus so filtration happens at the glomerulus
what might be regulated by the glomerulotubular feedback?
B. tubular reabsorption
B. tubular reabsorption
singnal is coming from the glomerulus to the tubule and reabsorption is what happens in the tubule
what’s the difference in the Starling forces of the glomerulus vs. the peritubular capillaries?
Bowman’s space oncotic pressure was missing in the glomerulus because there was no protein filtration but in the capillaries, the interstitium DOES have oncotic pressure!
reabsorption = Kf x net reabsorptive force
so increased capillary oncotic pressure and increase insterstial hydrostatic pressure would favor net reabsorption!
what is the equation for the net reabsorption pressure?
NRP = Pif + πc - Pc - πif
Pif = hydrostatic pressure in the renal interstitium
πc = colloid osmotic pressure of the peritubular capillary
Pc = peritubular hydrostatic pressure
πif = colloid osmotic pressure in the renal interstitum
renal tubule | renal interstitium | peritubular capillary
peritibular capillary reabsorption is directly influenced by changes in what?
peritibular capillary reabsorption is directly influenced by changes in:
- peritubular capillary hydrostatic pressure
if you decreased glomerular hydrostatic pressure by constricting afferent arteriole, that pressure in the glomerulus is what’s carried over to the peritubular capillaries through the efferent arteriole
if the afferent arteriole is dilated then glomerular hydrostatic pressure is going to be increased and so will the hydrostatic pressure in the particular capillaries!
- peritubular capillary colloid oncotic pressure
FF increases the concentration of protein and increases oncotic pressure so anything that increase FF will increase colloid osmotic pressure in the peritubular capillaries which favors reabsorption! high FF = more reabsorption
what determines the peritubular capillary hydrostatic pressure?
arterial pressure and afferent and efferent arteriolar resistance!
increased arterial pressure –> increased peritubular capillary hydrostatic pressure –> decreased reabsorption rate
increased arteriolar resistance in afferent and efferent –> decreased peritubular capillary hydrostatic pressure –> increased reabsorption rate
so in the PCT you want to reabsorb into the capillaries but in the glomerulus you want high hydrostatic pressure to favor filtration into the Bowman’s space
what determines the peritubular capillary colloid pressure?
peritubular capillary colloid pressure is determined by systemic plasma colloid osmotic pressure and filtration fraction
increase in systemic plasma protein concentration –> increased peritubular capillary colloid osmotic pressure –> increased reabsorption
increased FF –> increased peritubular capillary colloid osmotic pressure –> increased reabsorption
angiotensin II increases peritubular capillary reabsorption by decreasing RPF
how does the peritubular capillary filtration coefficient effect reabsorption in the PCT?
Kf is a measure of the permeability and surface area of the capillaries
increased Kf = increased reabsorption
decreased Kf = decreased reabsorption
Kf remains relatively constant in most physiological conditions though
which of the following factors would increase reabsorption at the peritubular capillaries?
A. constriction of efferent arterioles
B. dilation of efferent arterioles
C. constriction of afferent arterioles
D. dilation of afferent arterioles
A and C
constriction of the efferent AND afferent arterioles; both would decrease hydrostatic pressure in the peritubular capillaries which increases reabsorption!
angiotensin preferentially constricts the efferent arterioles and increases reabsorption but it also increases FF which increases colloid oncotic pressure! so it decreases hydrostatic pressure and increases oncotic pressure for overall increased reabsorption
how much is taken up by the peritubular capillaries?
uptake by the peritubular capillaries closely matches the net reabsorption from the tubular lumen into the interstitium
it’s determined by changes in the hydrostatic and colloid osmotic pressures
- forces that increase peritubular capillary reabsorption also increase reabsorption from the renal tubules
- changes that inhibit peritubular capillary reabsorption also inhibit tubular reabsorption
what is back leak?
as solutes enter renal interstitium from the lumen, H2O follows by osmosis
from the interstitium, they can move to the peritubular capillaries or back into the tubular lumen since “tight” junctions are leaky and allow diffusion in both directions
with the normal high rate of peritubular capillaryreabsorption, the net movement is into the peritubular capillaries with little backleak because reabsorption is favored
however, when peritubular capillaryreabsorption is reduced, backleak increases leading to reduced rate of netreabsorption
what is pressure natriuresis and pressure diuresis?
natriuresis = loss of Na+ and diuresis = loss of water
if you have an increase in arterial pressure, it increases glomerular hydrostatic pressure and increased GFR but it also increases the peritubular hydrostatic pressure which means less reabsorption! so molecules will get filtered more and not reabsorbed (usually this doesn’t happen because of autoregulation via RAAS and adenosine/ATP pathways)
but in this condition, small increases in arterial pressure can cause large increase in urinary excretion of Na+ and water
when autoregulation is impaired, slight increase in peritubular capillary hydrostatic pressure and a subsequent increase in the renal interstitial fluid hydrostatic pressure leads to large increases in GFR and decreased Na+ and H2O reabsorption. This increases backleak of sodium into the tubular lumen and reduces the netreabsorption of sodium and water
anything that causes reduced angiotensin II formation leads to decreased tubular sodiumreabsorption(and water)
how do transporters limit the rate of reabsorption?
the rate of reabsorption limited by the capacity of the transporters! tight junctions are impermeable to the solutes so the limit on their transport rate is set by the capacity of the transporters
if there aren’t enough transporters then excess of whatever there is will be lost in the urine; so if the filtered load > Tm, solutes are excreted
reabsorption increases until transports are saturated!
if the filtered load < Tm then these solutes will be complete reabsorbed!
ex. glucose
when plasma glucose reaches such high levels that substantial amount of glucose appears in the urine, what happens?
A. glucose is leaked back into the tubule through tight junctions
B. there is not enough luminal sodium to move in symport with glucose
C. all the glucose transporters are working at their maximum rate
D. the glucose transports are being inhibited by the high levels of glucose
C. all the goose transporters are working at their maximum rate
glucose can’t leak because it’s too large for the tight junctions so there’s no backleak
how does the gradient limit the rate of transport?
the rate of reabsorption limited by paracellular back leak (gradient-limited)
tight junctions re leaky and as the substance is reabsorbed the gradient between the two media (luminal and interstitial) increases which causes backleak so that the luminal and interstitial concentrations remain close
since water is being reabsorbed, reabsorption does not stop! the limiting gradient will be reached if water reabsorption is stopped
these solutes are NEVER reabsorbed completely!!
ex. sodium
major reabsorption occurs in what part of the nephron?
major reabsorption occurs in the proximal tubules!! it’s the major site for reabsorption of organic nutrients
65% of the filtered load of Na+ and H2O are reabsorbed by the proximal tubule
the PCT cells are highly metabolic and have large numbers of mitochondria to support powerful active transport processes
the cells have an extensive brush border on the luminal (apical) side of the membrane and intercellular and basal channels
epithelial brush border loaded with protein carriers
which solutes get reabsorbed in the proximal tubule?
- Na+
- Cl-
- HCO3-
- K+
- H2O
- glucose
- AA
H+, organic acids and bases get excreted back into the lumen
In what proportion is Na+ reabsorbed in the PCT?
Na+ is absorbed in proportion to H2O
this means that the osmolarity remains constant in the PCT because the same amount of Na+ and H2O are getting reabsorbed together
in what proportion are organic solutes like glucose, AA, and HCO3- reabsorbed in the PCT? how does this effect their concentration along the PCT?
glucose, AA, HCO3- are reabsorbed more than H2O!!
so their concentration decreases along the PCT because they’re getting reabsorbed into the peritubular capillaries
organic solutes that are not actively reabsorbed like urea and creatinine increase their concentration along the PCT
which of the following moelcules is absorbed more in proportion to water in the PCT?
A. glucose
B. Na+
C. K+
D. Cl-
A. glucose
so its concentration decreases along the PCT
Na+, K+ and Cl- are reabsorbed int the same proportion as water in the PCT!!
which of the following molecules is absorbed less in proportion to water in the PCT?
A. Na+
B. urea
C. amino acids
D. Cl
B. urea
so its concentration increases along the PCT