ICH In Younger Flashcards
Intracerebral hemorrhage in the 👶 other names
subependymal hemorrhage (SEH), germinal matrix hemorrhage (GMH), periventricular-intraventricular hemorrhage (PIVH). I
Source of PIVH or GMH
highly vascular germinal matrix is part of the primordial tissue located beneath the ependymal lining of the lateral ventricles
progressive involution until 36 weeks gestational age (GA) progressive involution until 36 weeks gestational age (GA)➡️ progressive involution until 36 weeks gestational age (GA)
Disproportionately CBF to periventricular with immature and fragile and have impaired autoregulation.
Involuation of GM
undergoes progressive involution until 36 weeks gestational age (GA)
GA 24-28 ➡️ body of cudate
GA > 29 ➡️ head of cudate
Pathogenesis of PIVH / causes
GM watershed zone supply by Heubner’s ( ACA) , lateral striate arteries ( MCA) , anterior choroidal artery ( ICA/ MCA )
1 - hypoxia ➡️ RDS ➡️ ⬇️ o2 metabolic GM active ➡️ ischmic to endothelial cell BV ➡️ infarction ➡️ disruption
2 - ⬆️ co2 ➡️ ⭕️ dilatation BV➡️ sudden 🔺 ⬆️ prefusion ➡️ rupture BV
3- ⬆️ venous pressure ➡️ venous pressure GM ➡️ bleeding 🩸
4- dehydration followed by rapid resuscitation➡️⬆️ intravascular volume ➡️⬆️ BP GM ➡️ rupture
1- ⬆️ CBF & CPP➡️ asphyxia, ⬆️co2 , rapid volume expansion , seizure , pneumothorax, cynotice HD , ventilation , anemia , ⬇️ RBS , A - line , 🩸🔺 BP
2- young GA early preterm 👶 < 32 or late preterm34-36
3- LBW < 1500 g
4- flaiure to give sterile within 48 hr befor preterm delivery
5- APGAR <4 at 1 m , < 8 at 5 m
6-acute amnionitis
7- acidosis
8- coagulopathies
9- GA for CS
10- extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO): due to heparinization in addition to increased CPP
11- 🤰🏼 cocaine or ASA
MCC affected age
Very pre- term < 32
Later preterm 34-36
LBW < 1500g
PIVH Papile stage
MC presente stage preterm grade 3 and 4
Timing of PIVH
Occurred in within 6 in 50% and others 50% within 12 hr
2nd peak day 3-4
⬆️ mortality
Early onset PIVH
Prevention PIVH
Avoid preterm delivery 🚚
antenatal corticosteroids
indomethacin vasoconstriction ⬇️ 🔺 CO2 , ⬇️ CBF , ⬆️ o2 ⬇️ PDA
A antenatal vitamin K given IM > 4 hrs prior to delivery decreases PIVH from 33% to 5%
delaying umbilical cord clamping by 30–120 seconds➡️ ⬆️hct,⬇️ PIVH
using surfactant to reduce RDS
- minimizing external stimulation
steroids to stabilize the GM vessels
Presentation PIVH
Asymptomatic ➡️⬇️ HC , developmental delay , ⬇️ HCT ➡️ 70 % have 6 m survival
Subacute presentation ➡️ irritability, ⬇️ motor activity , abnormal 👀 movement
Acute ➡️
🔺 tone ➡️ decerebrate or decorticate or flaccid paralysis, seizure , tens AF , ⬇️ BP , 🔺Cushing ( apnea,bradycardia)
👀 unreactive pupils , Loss EOM
> 10% HCt
Hydrocephalus in PIVH
Communicating HC in the first 1-3 weeks in grade 3 and 4
DDX transient ventriculomegaly , true HC , hydrocephalus ex vacuo OFC ⬇️
Pathophysiologic effects of PIVH
1- destruction GM
2- direct injury to brain from hematoma ➡️ porencephaly or cystic lesions
3- pressure of hematoma and ⬆️ ICP ➡️⬇️ CBF
4- hypoxia
5- ⬇️CPP periventricular leukomalacia (PVL) and cerebral infarction
6- periventricular hemorrhagic infarction
7- HC
8 - seizure
US sensitivity 90 % , 85% specificity)
CT indication ➡️ Us NA , complicated anatomy
TX aim
Optimize CPP
Normal MAP and pco2
Indication for intervention
progressive ventriculomegaly
⬆️ ICP split sutures, tense AF
Serial lumbar tap
10 ml / kg/ tap
temporizing mangment
🚫 < 800 g not tolerated LP alternative ventricular tap
VP shunt not reconsider weight less than < 2000g
⬆️ infection rate
Temporary ventricular access device (TVAD)
+➡️ avoid shunt , clear protein and cellular debris, avoid brain penetration,posit for medication , risk of EVD dislodged,25% will not need shunt
- nesurosurgen , infection , csf leak , bleeding, over drainage
Serial tap
5-20 cc qod to 15 cc TID for tense AF
Risk of serial tap
⬇️ na
Follow up PIVH
Serial US on 3rd and 5 days then weekely then bi weekly
CT befor shunt insertion
Indication for Vp shunt in PIVH
Weight > 2000 g
CSF protein < 100mg/ dl to avoid blockages
Shunt low or very low pressure
Other causes ICH newborn 👶
Truma SDH , tentorial hemorrhage,
CP hemorrhage
Hemorrhagic Strok
Vascular malformations