ICF Flashcards
Story about def Health
Everybody has a clear ideau about health
- Healthy/Unhealthy
- Many scientist - many disciplies tried to defin e
- Biology, psychology, sociology, history, philosphy
First defintion Grees - Hippocrates
- Balancing bodily fluids
WHO Health definition
1948 most known:
Health is a…
- state
- of physical,mental and social
- wel being
- and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity,
Problems WHO definition?
State: Physical, mental, social = few people will ever be healthy
Social problems= like losing a job? = unhealthy?
There are more features:
Income, personal relationships, poverty
Why is the definition for heealth important?
- > scientific purpose
How healthy is a person? How healthy is a population?
To show if medical treatment is improving health?
Scientific definition of health
At the risk of oversimplification there are two definitions if health:
- Descriptive Defintion
- Normative Defintion
Descriptive Approach from ???
Christopher Boorse 1970s
- Biologically normal functioning for the species
- Normal heart rate between 50 - 190 beats
- 45 / 200 is unhealthy
Problem= What is a normal function??
- Variation in functions (population,age)
Problem= What is a normal function??
Normative Approach from whom ??
Lennart Nordenfelt
- Chellenged Boorse theory = he leaves out an importan point?
- Why health matterst to us
- Health is important to us because:
- Capacity = to do things we want to do
- to life a full life
- Holistic, physical and mental state
What makes health valuable?
- Individual? Universal? Objective?
- Individual = Can not be compared with other Person = nicht messbar
3 other normative approches
Capacity of the body to avoid & fight illness:
- Good immune system = can avoid that we getting sick
- Intact hematological system - stop bleeding
Normal range body functions may be an advantage in one environment but a disadvantage
- Sickle cell anemia increases survival in an environment where Malaria is / otherwise is a debilitating disease
M.Huber proposed: Some people adapt to environmental changes and self-manage their health
What means operationalization health?
Operationalize a complex notion (health), identify basic feature of the notion and transform them into variables which are measurable
-> ICF
(Structures of the ICF - Deutsch)
(Structures of the ICF - Englisch )
WHy do we need to measure health?
- Determining the level of health pf person
- Comparing the health of a person over time
- Comparing the health of more than one person
- Determining whether a health treatment improves health
- Comparing the health one population with another
Challenge of measuring?
Waht are your measuring?
How do you caompare things
How do you measure the overall state of health?
—> Daher ICF
ICF aims …
- establish a common language
- provide a stematic coding scheme
- provide a scientific basis for understanding health
- enable data comparison
- stimulate the development of services