NAC Heat and Wing/Stab Heat use ( ) pressure bleed air.
High pressure bleed air. PTM Pg. 10-4
Icing conditions can occur when the temperature is between ( + º) degrees C and ( - º) degrees C with visible moisture.
+10º degrees C and -40º degrees C with
visible moisture. PTM Pg. 10-1
If ice is detected and the Wing/Stab heat and/or NAC heat is not turned ( “ ” ), an amber ICE DETECTED CAS message will be displayed.
On. PTM Pg. 10-2
A red WING/STAB LEAK CAS message indicates a ( ) leak in the tail cone or in the ducting that runs through the aircraft to the leading edges of the wing or horizontal stabilizer.
Bleed air leak. PTM Pg. 10-11
In the event of dual generator failure, pitot heat is only available to the ( ) Tube.
The Standby Pitot Tube. PTM Pg. 10-13
The left and right windshields are heated electrically using ( ) power from the left and right engine driven alternators.
AC power from the left and right engine-
driven alternators. PTM Pg. 10-6
When selecting the NAC heats or Wing/Stab heat “ON, thrust levers must be at ( ) or below.
MCT or below. QRH Pg. N-13