ICE Flashcards
During the last ice age what was sea level relative to today?
In the last ice age sea level was 120m lower than today.
Changes in the seasonal and latitudinal patterns of insolation can be explained how?
Using gravitational effects of Milankovitch theory:
Explain what is eccentricity?
- How elliptical is the orbit?
- Change in orbit from elliptical to circular
- 100,000 years cyclicity
Explain what is obliquity?
- How titled is the Earths’ axis of rotation?
- Change in angle relative to the celestial plane
- Varies from 21.8 to 24.4°, currently 23°
- 40,000 years
Explain what is precession
- How close to the perihelion is the solstice?
- Perihelion is the point where the Earth is closest to the Sun
- Solstice is the longest or shortest day of the year
- 21,000 years
An increase in albedo by increase in ice cover will do what?
create a positive feeback mechanism, and a continued decrease in T
What allows us to infer past climates?
Isotope analysis from ice cores:
Ice sheets are O-16 rich and ocean sediments are O-18 rich
(Refer to climate)
At what age to ice cores stop?
~800,000 yrs
What does sea floor sediment analysis show happened at around 800,000 yrs ago?
A transition from dominance of Obliquity to dominance of Eccentricity
What’s the difference between how glaciology has been and is now being understood?
- Was originally Geologically based before becoming Geographical and then finally Mathematical
- Becomes more quantitative with the introduction of classical mechanics into glaciology
How is ice deformed?
- Ice is a solid but will deform if large stresses are applied over large periods of time via three mechanisms
- Ice deformation (happens all the time)
- Basal Sliding (needs water at glacier base)
- Deformation of basal sediments (needs water at glacier base)
How is mathematics applied to ice flow mechanisms?
- Algorithms can be applied to describe ice flow mechanisms which can then be put into the Ice Continuity Equation, which allows ice sheets to be modelled
What is glacial isostacy?
- Crustal subsidence under the weight of the ice sheet above
- Melt this ice and the crust shall rebound through isostasy
What are the forms of glacier motion?
- Deformation of the ice itself
- Sliding at the bed
- Deforming subglacial substrate
How is the ice itself deformed?
- It’s a solid but if large stresses are applied over large periods of time it will deform
- Zero Deformation at the base, greatest velocity at the top
During the deformation of subglacial substrate where is the maximum deformation take place?
- Maximum deformation at the ice-bed interface due to decoupling at the base
- This needs water
What are the rheological properties of ice?
- Ice was first thought of as a perfect plastic
- Only true for large stresses
- Very little change in strain rate for little change in shear stress
- At a certain yield stress, you obtain enormous levels of strain rate
- Actually approximates to a Newtonian Viscous fluid at low stresses
- Application of shear stress results in linear increase in strain rate
What is Glens flow law?
- A is related to temperature and impurities (flow law constant)
- A=A0 exp(-Q/RT)
- As T increases, so does A (A is v. sensitive to T)
- n is a constant approximately equal to 3
- t is the effective shear stress (measure of the overall stress regime)
- E* is the effective strain rate
- Doesn’t fully describe the flow rate of ice
- And its not really a law, its a power law
What is the shear stress at the bed during pure ice deformation?
- Shear Stress at the bed tb
- p is the density of the ice
- g is the acceleration due to gravity
- h is the ice thickness
- a is the angle of the surface slope
What assumptions are made during pure ice deformation?
- Assumptions made:
- No basal sliding
- Flat bed
- Single value for flow parameters
- No constraints by the valley walls
How do we measure the velocity of the ice during pure ice deformation?
Us = Ub + (2A / (n+1)) (pg sinα)n hn+1
- Ub is 0 (assume no basal sliding)
- Us proportional to h4
- Us proportional to α3
How does the velocity of ice change across an ice sheet?
- Zero Velocity of ice at the origin (ice divide)
- As you increase distance from the ice divide, velocity will increase pseudo-exponentially
- A particle of ice will take 150,000 years to travel from 50 km to the end of the ice
- Most of this time is spent getting to 300 km
Why is basal sliding so important, and the flow of ice isn’t as simple as demostrated by Glens flow law?
- In valleys, ice movement is constrained at the valley walls meaning flow is slower here
Describe the effects of water on basal sliding
- Distribution and pressure of water at glacier beds are the most important factors in regulating short term velocity fluctuations and glacier surge cycles
- Increased water velocity after increased precipitation increases water pressure
- Leads to enhanced sliding
By what processes does basal sliding occur?
Enhanced plastic deformation
How does regelation occur?
- Ice is assumed to be at its pressure melting point
- Comes into contact with a subglacial obstacle (e.g. Roche Moutonnée)
- Stoss side
- provides greatest resistance, increased pressure
- This lowers pressure melting point
- causes melting (needs heat)
- Under pressure occurs on the lee side, increasing pressure melting point and heat is transferred over to the stoss side
- causes freezing of migrated meltwater (releasing latent heat)
What features do we see on bumps that have seen regelation processes occur over them? e.g. on Roche Moutonnée
- Shallow stoss and sharp lee side
- sliding on stoss = striations, polishing on surface
- freezing on lee = plucking and frozen artefacts
How is the velocity due to regelation shown?
It can be shown that the velocity due to regelation (Ur) equals:
Ur ∝ tb/a
Most relevant for bumps < ~ 50 cm in length and for ice at the melting point.
Any greater than 50cm and it gets harder to transfer heat
How does Enhanced plasic deformation occur and what is the velocity due to enhanced plastic deformation?
With sufficient stress, all ice deforms plastically
Velocity: Up ∝ τb∙a for bumps greater than 100cm in length
τb is the basal shear stress
a is the hummock amplitude (height or length)
Velocity = Strain Rate x Distance
Thus the velocity increases as the ice flows around the obstacle
What are the controls over basal sliding?
- Bedrock roughness
- Subglacial water pressure
- Thermal regime
- Bed type
How does bedrock roughness have a control over basal sliding?
There is a theoretical bedrock size which inhibits sliding
Unified Sliding law based on roughness at this scale:
Ut ∝ τb/R4
Ut is the total sliding velocity
R is the bedrock roughness equal to a/λ
Explains sliding velocity variations between glaciers on different substrates
Still predicts constant sliding for a given bedrock roughness
Some other factor must be causing temporal variability
Needs ice at reletively warm T but don’t need to apply role of water to bed
What are the controls of subglacial water pressure over basal sliding?
Firstly, subglacial waater pressure is denoted the symbol Pw
The effective pressure (N or Peff) is equal to the weight of the ice (pgh) - Pw
- N falls as Pw rises
- Forcing bedrock seperation where local ice pressures are lowest
- Lee sides of bedrock hummocks
- Cavitites are formed
- Sliding is enhanced
- total basal friction is reduced
- increased stresses at remaining pinning points, where stresses are already highest
How do we measure velocity of basal sliding under the influcnce of subglacial water pressure?
Ut ∝ tbp/Nq
tb is the basal shear stress
N is the effective pressure
p and q are exponents derived from a variety of field and laboratory studies.
2 < p < 8
1< q <6
In what ways can water at the bed influence sliding velocities?
- Submergence of small bed roughness elements.
- Causes Ice base to be much smoother than normal
- Increasing the local stress in areas of ice-bed contact
- Encourages enhanced plastic deformation
- The hydraulic jack mechanism
- Pressurised water exerts a force against the up facing ice
What is the thermal regime of an ice body effect basal sliding?
- Warm based ice masses linked to sliding
- Most ice masses are partially warm based
- Cold ice deforms slowly
- Still deforms under enhanced stresses
- Regelation requires ice at the pressure melting point
- May occur in cold ice but very slowly
How will bed type effect how the ice moved accross it?
- Basal Sliding occurs over bedrock
- 80% of area underlying former North American and Eurasian ice sheets are soft sediment capable of deforming themselves
Why is it difficult to model basal sliding?
there is no universally applicable sliding law
key basal properties are poorly known
In sediment deformation, there are two horizons - what are the characterists of the two horizons?
- Bed horizon A above horizon B
- Horizon A characterised as follows:
- In contact with the glacier
- Deformation takes place here
- Saturated with water
- Lose sediment with pores filled with water
- Dilated Sediment
- Horizon B is too stiff to deform due to brittleness and over compaction.
How much of the forward motion of a glacier is due to the displacement of sub-glacial sediments?
What controls the fluctuations in pore pressures in sub-glacial sediment?
the production of surface melt water of the overlying glacier
melt water percolates down into sub-glacial sediment
What is the effective pressure in subglacial sediments?
N = ρigH - Pw
If unlithified sediment is present beneath the ice column and the base of the ice is at its PMP, how is the horizonal velocity at the top of the deforming till modelled?
Ub = hbKb (τb- τ*)/N2
Kb is the till deformation softness
Ub is the horizontal velocity at the top of the deforming till
τ* is the till yield strength
Simplifying this yields the following:
Ub ∝ N-2
Ub ∝ τb - τ*
What are the characteristics of the Whillians Ice Stream?
- Surface velocity of 50 to 850 m yr-1
- Large surface crevasses in place
- Ice deformation ~ 10 m yr-1
- Deformation of 6m of water saturated sediments
- High porosity, characteristic of deforming till
- All water supplied from basal melting with a distributed supply
- Water saturated at a high pressure
- Sediment originates upstream
What are the characteristics of the Kamb Ice Stream?
- Ice surface velocity 5m yr-1
- Buried surface crevasses
- Flowed rapidly in the past
- Crevassing ceased 30 to 130 years ago
- Reduced water pressure
- Collapse of dilatant till
- Switched off 175 years ago
- The reason for this is unknown
- This is indicated by there being no crevasses present on the surface
- They’re buried by snowfall
- Measuring this allows time to be calculated
Why do we see differing features in the Whillians and Kamb Ice Streams?
differences in features due to rerouting of water from Kamb Ice Stream to Whillans Ice Stream. This is otherwise known as ‘water piracy’
This has also allowed for accumulation on top of the Kamb ice stream while elevation on the Whillians ice stream decreases