Ice Flashcards
今天天氣很冷,地上有一層厚厚的()。(The weather is very cold today, and there is a thick layer of (ice) on the ground.)
厚厚 (hòu hòu) - thick
冰 (bīng)
今天天氣很冷,地上有一層厚厚的(冰)。(The weather is very cold today, and there is a thick layer of (ice) on the ground.)
厚厚 (hòu hòu) - thick
今天的天氣很(),我穿了厚厚的外套出門。 (The weather is very (cold) today, so I wore a thick coat when going out.)
厚厚 (hòu hòu) - thick, 外套 (wàitào) - coat
冷 (lěng)
今天的天氣很(冷),我穿了厚厚的外套出門。 (The weather is very (cold) today, so I wore a thick coat when going out.)
厚厚 (hòu hòu) - thick, 外套 (wàitào) - coat
外面的天氣很冷,水管都()了。 (The weather outside is very cold, and the water pipes (have frozen).)
水管 (shuǐguǎn) - water pipes
凍結 (dòngjié)
外面的天氣很冷,水管都(結凍)了。 (The weather outside is very cold, and the water pipes (have frozen).)
水管 (shuǐguǎn) - water pipes
我把水果放進()裡,讓它們保持新鮮。 (I put the fruits into (the refrigerator) to keep them fresh.)
放進 (fàng jìn) - put into, 保持 (bǎo chí) - to maintain; to keep
冰箱 (bīngxiāng)
我把水果放進(冰箱)裡,讓它們保持新鮮。 (I put the fruits into (the refrigerator) to keep them fresh.)
放進 (fàng jìn) - put into, 保持 (bǎo chí) - to maintain; to keep
在困難的情況下保持()是很重要的。 (It’s important to stay (calm) in difficult situations.)
困難 (kùnnán) - difficult, 情況下 (qíngkuàng xià) - in situations; under circumstances, 保持 (bǎo chí) - to maintain; to keep
冷靜 (lěngjìng)
在困難的情況下保持(冷靜)是很重要的。 (It’s important to stay (calm) in difficult situations.)
困難 (kùnnán) - difficult, 情況下 (qíngkuàng xià) - in situations; under circumstances, 保持 (bǎo chí) - to maintain; to keep
Cold drink
夏天喝一杯()真是舒服。 (It’s really comfortable to have a (cold drink) in the summer.)
杯 (bēi) - measure word for cups or glasses of liquid
冷飲 (lěngyǐn)
夏天喝一杯(冷飲)真是舒服。 (It’s really comfortable to have a (cold drink) in the summer.)
杯 (bēi) - measure word for cups or glasses of liquid
Ice cream
我喜歡在夏天吃()。 (I like to eat (ice cream) in the summer.)
冰淇淋 (bīngqílín)
我喜歡在夏天吃(冰淇淋)。 (I like to eat (ice cream) in the summer.)
Iced water
在炎炎夏日,喝一杯()十分解渴。 (On a hot summer day, drinking a glass of (ice water) is very refreshing.)
炎炎 (yán yán) - scorching; blazing, 杯 (bēi) - measure word for cups or glasses of liquid, 十分 (shífēn) - very; extremely, 解渴 (jiě kě) - quenching one’s thirst; refreshing
冰水 (bīngshuǐ)
在炎炎夏日,喝一杯(冰水)十分解渴。 (On a hot summer day, drinking a glass of (ice water) is very refreshing.)
炎炎 (yán yán) - scorching or blazing, 杯 (bēi) - measure word for cups or glasses of liquid, 十分 (shífēn) - very, extremely, 解渴 (jiě kě) - quenching one’s thirst, refreshing
Ice and snow
寒冬來臨,大地覆蓋著一片白色的()。 (Winter arrives, and the earth is covered with a layer of white (snow and ice).)
寒冬 (hán dōng) - cold winter, 來臨 (lái lín) - arrive, 大地 (dà dì) - big earth or land, 覆蓋著 (fù gài zhe) - covered with; covered by
冰雪 (bīngxuě)
寒冬來臨,大地覆蓋著一片白色的(冰雪)。 (Winter arrives, and the earth is covered with a layer of white (snow and ice).)
寒冬 (hán dōng) - cold winter, 來臨 (lái lín) - arrive, 大地 (dà dì) - big earth or land, 覆蓋著 (fù gài zhe) - covered with; covered by
我把食物放進冰箱裡()起來。 (I put the food into the refrigerator to keep it (refrigerated).)
放進 (fàng jìn) - put into, 冰箱 (bīngxiāng) - refrigerator
冷藏 (lěngcáng)
我把食物放進冰箱裡(冷藏)起來。 (I put the food into the refrigerator to keep it (refrigerated).)
放進 (fàng jìn) - put into, 冰箱 (bīngxiāng) - refrigerator
他在寒冷的冬天不小心()了手指。 (He accidentally got (frostbite) on his fingers during the cold winter.)
寒冷 (hánlěng) - cold, 不小心 (bù xiǎo xīn) - carelessly; unintentionally; accidentally
凍傷 (dòngshāng)
他在寒冷的冬天不小心(凍傷)了手指。 (He accidentally got (frostbite) on his fingers during the cold winter.)
寒冷 (hánlěng) - cold, 不小心 (bù xiǎo xīn) - carelessly; unintentionally; accidentally
Air conditioning
今天天氣太熱了,我打開了()。 (Today’s weather is too hot, so I turned on the (air conditioning).)
冷氣 (lěngqì)
今天天氣太熱了,我打開了(冷氣)。 (Today’s weather is too hot, so I turned on the (air conditioning).)
寒冬來臨,湖面開始()。 (With the arrival of winter, the lake’s surface starts to (freeze).)
寒冬 (hán dōng) - cold winter, 來臨 (lái lín) - arrives
冰凍 (bīngdòng)
寒冬來臨,湖面開始(冰凍)。 (With the arrival of winter, the lake’s surface starts to (freeze).)
寒冬 (hán dōng) - cold winter, 來臨 (lái lín) - arrives
Ice cube
我喜歡在飲料裡加()。 (I like to add (ice cubes) to my drinks.)
飲料 (yǐnliào) - beverage; drink
冰塊 (bīngkuài)
我喜歡在飲料裡加(冰塊)。 (I like to add (ice cubes) to my drinks.)
飲料 (yǐnliào) - beverage; drink
Ice sheet
湖面上形成了厚厚的()。 (A thick (layer of ice) has formed on the surface of the lake.)
形成 (xíng chéng) - to form; to take shape, 厚厚 (hòu hòu) - thick
冰層 (bīngcéng)
湖面上形成了厚厚的(冰層)。 (A thick (layer of ice) has formed on the surface of the lake.)
形成 (xíng chéng) - to form; to take shape, 厚厚 (hòu hòu) - thick
Frozen garlic
我喜歡在食物裡加一些切碎的()。(I like to add some minced (frozen garlic) to my food.)
切碎 (qiē suì) - minced; chopped finely
凍蒜 (dòngsuàn)
我喜歡在食物裡加一些切碎的(凍蒜)。(I like to add some minced (frozen garlic) to my food.)
切碎 (qiē suì) - minced; chopped finely
Cool down
熱湯需要一些時間來()。(Hot soup needs some time to (cool down).)
湯 (tāng) - soup; broth
冷卻 (lěngquè)
熱湯需要一些時間來(冷卻)。(Hot soup needs some time to (cool down).)
湯 (tāng) - soup; broth
我們遠離船上,看著遠處的巨大()。 (We stayed away from the ship, watching the enormous (iceberg) in the distance.)
遠離 (yuǎnlí) - to stay away from; to keep a distance from, 巨大 (jùdà) - enormous; huge
冰山 (bīngshān)
我們遠離船上,看著遠處的巨大(冰山)。 (We stayed away from the ship, watching the enormous (iceberg) in the distance.)
遠離 (yuǎnlí) - to stay away from; to keep a distance from, 巨大 (jùdà) - enormous; huge
Cold wind
冬天的時候,常常伴隨著()吹來。(During winter, (cold winds) often blow.)
伴隨著 (bàn suí zhe) - accompanied by, 吹來 (chuī lái) - blows in
冷風 (lěngfēng)
冬天的時候,常常伴隨著(冷風)吹來。(During winter, (cold winds) often blow.)
伴隨著 (bàn suí zhe) - accompanied by, 吹來 (chuī lái) - blows in
Cool and refreshing
今天的天氣很炎熱,走進()的房間讓我感到舒適多了。(Today’s weather is very hot, walking into the (cool) room makes me feel much more comfortable.)
炎熱 (yán rè) - hot; sweltering
涼爽 (liángshuǎng)
今天的天氣很炎熱,走進(涼爽)的房間讓我感到舒適多了。(Today’s weather is very hot, walking into the (cool) room makes me feel much more comfortable.)
炎熱 (yán rè) - hot; sweltering