ICD10 Diagnostic Criteria Flashcards
General dementia criteria
- Decline in both memory and thinking sufficient to impact ADLs
Can have
- Difficulty attending to more than one stimulus at a time
- Shifting focus
- reduction in ideas
Alzheimers Disease
Diagnosis and characteristics
- Presence of dementia
- Insidious onset
- Absence of systemic/brain disease
- Absence of neurological signs sudden in onset at the start of illness
- Steady decline
- Neurofibrinary tangles
- Amyloid plaques
- Reduction in volume esp hipocampal, frontal and temporal lobes
Vascular Dementia
No required diagnostic criteria:
- Presence of dementia (is required)
- Uneven impairment
- Focal neurological signs
- Abrupt onset +/- stepwise deterioration
- Insight/judgement may be preserved
- Radiological evidence
Pick’s Disease
- progressive dementia;
- a predominance of frontal lobe features with euphoria, emotional blunting, and coarsening of social behaviour, disinhibition, and either apathy or restlessness;
- behavioural manifestations, which commonly precede frank memory impairment
- earlier onset usually 50-60
- followed by impairment of intellect, memory, and language
- Atrophy of frontal and temporal lobes
Parkinsons Dementia
- Advanced Parkinsons
- Later development of dementia
HIV Dementia
HIV dementia typically presents with complaints of forgetfulness, slowness, poor concentration, and difficulties with problem-solving and reading. Apathy, reduced spontaneity, and social withdrawal are common, and in a significant minority of affected individuals the illness may present atypically as an affective disorder, psychosis, or seizures. Physical examination often reveals tremor, impaired rapid
repetitive movements, imbalance, ataxia, hypertonia, generalized hyperreflexia, positive frontal release signs, and impaired pursuit and saccadic eye movements.
- Impairment of consciousness and attention
- Global impairment of cognition
- Psychomotor disturbances - hypo or hyperactive
- Disturbance of sleep/wake cycle
- Emotional discturbance
- Total duration
Substance - Harmful Use
Both of
- Clear evidence of physical or psychological harm
- Use for at least one month or multiple times over year
Substance - Dependence Syndrome
Three or more of
- Strong desire or compulsion to take
- impaired capacity to control (increasing amounts being taken, unsuccessful attempt to cut down or stop)
- Physiological withdrawal state
- Evidence of tolerance
- Preoccupation with substance
- Continuation despite clear evidence of harm
Schizophrenia (general)
At least one of
- Though echo, thought I/W/B
- Delusions of control, passivity or influence
- Running commentary, 3rd person hallucinations or voices from part of the patients body
- Persistent delusions that are culturally inappropriate and completely impossible.
Or at least two of
- Persistent hallucinations in any modality
- Neologisms or disorders of thought form
- catatonic behaviours
- Negative symptoms
- primary anxiety disorder (i.e. Not related to OCD or delusion)
- restricted to at least two of: crowds, public places, travelling away from home, travelling alone
- must have prominent avoidance
Social phobia
- primary anxiety (i.e. Not related to OCD, delusions etc)
- restricted to social situations (e.g. Speaking in public, eye contact, interactions with opposite sex etc)
- avoidance prominent
Panic disorder
Panic attacks where:
- there is no objective danger
- occur in unpredictable situations
- comparative freedom from anxiety symptoms between attacks
Generalised anxiety disorder
- Free floating anxiety
- no full-blown panic symptoms
Obsessional symptoms:
- must be recognised as own thoughts
- must be at least one thought or act that is still resisted unsuccessfully
- the act cannot be in itself pleasurable
- thoughts, images or impulses must be unpleasantly repetitive