ICD-10 codes Flashcards
And associated ortho cluster
Cervical Myelopathy
Hoffman's Inverted Supinator Babinski Gait deviation > 45 years old
2/5= 88 spec 3/5= 99 spec 4/5= 100 spec
And associated ortho cluster
Cervical Radiculopathy
Upper Limb tension
Spurling’s A
cervical rotation < 60 ipsilateral
2/4= .56 specificity 3/4 = .94 specificity 4/4= 99 specificity
and associated ortho cluster
Thoracic outlet syndrome
Adson Wright Hyperabduction Test Roo's Tinels
3-4 + Tests 85-90% SE; 30% SP
5/5 84% Specificity
and associated ortho cluster
Lumbar Disc
SLR Sens 97, Spec 57 Slump's Sens 83, Spec 55 Crossed SLR (Well LR) Sens 28 Spec 90 L5/S1- Pain into S1 area, Achilles reflex path. S1 derm. Defect L4/L5- extensor hallucis weakness Pain L5 area L5 derm.defect
and associated ortho cluster
Lumbar Stenosis
Bilateral symptoms Leg pain > Lumbar pain pain with standing walking pain relief sitting patient > 48 year old
1/5: sens 96 spec 20
4/5: sens 6: spec 98
and associated ortho cluster
SI Lesion
VanderWurff's Cluster (sens 85) spec 79 Gaenslen's FABER SI Compression SI Distraction Thigh thrust
Laslett's 2 (sens 91; spec 87) SI Compression SI Distraction Thigh Thrust Gaenslen's Test Sacral Thrust
and associated ortho cluster
Impingement Syndrome
Michener Impingment Cluster* Painful ARC Test* Hawkin's Kennedy Test* Neer's Test* Empty Can Test* External Rotation Weakness*
Sens 75; Spec 74 for 3 or more pos. tests
and associated ortho cluster
Chronopoulos AC Joint Cluster* 2 or more: Sens 81;Spec 89 O'Brien/Active Compression Test* Cross-body Adduction* AC Resisted Extension*
and associated ortho cluster
Sutlive's Clinical Prediction Rule OA Scour Test internal rotation < 25 degrees pain with squatting pain with active hip flexion/extension FABER
5/5 .14 sens; .98 spec 4/5 .48 sens; .98 spec 3/5 .71 sens; .86 spec 2/5 .81 sens; .61 spec 1/5 .95 sens; .18 spec
Cervical Myelopathy code
and associated clinical indicators
bilateral symptoms clumsiness of hands difficulty walking possible urinary dysfunction possible shooting pain arms > 45 years old
Cervical Radiculopathy code
and associated clinical indicators
cervical rotation <60 ipsilateral History of trauma radiation pain often arm/hand possible pain with Valsalva pain worse with specific ROM
Thoracic outlet syndrome code
and associated clinical indicators
insidious onset numbness/tingling, medial arm
pain upper limb
constant ache with parethesia
possible associated headache/neck pain
prior history cervical trauma
prior history repetitive activities
symptoms usually worse w/shoulder abduction
Lumbar Disc Code
and associated clinical indicators
age 30-50 male > female sudden onset LBP potential leg pain leg pain often greater ↑pain with sitting pain below knee paresthesia numbness/tingling
Lumbar Stenosis code
and associated clinical indicators
Leg pain > Lumbar pain
pain with standing walking
pain relief sitting
patient > 48 year old
SI Lesion code
and associated clinical indicators
local pain possible low back, buttock radiation ligamentous laxity increased SI movement leg length inequality lack mobility contralateral side
Impingement syndrome code
and associated clinical indicators
M75.4_ dull achy shoulder pain worse with abduction above 80 degrees worse overhead activity, excessive use sudden onsent sharp pain tearing sensation suggests rotator cuff tear gradual increase pain shouder activities worse after sleep arm abducted overhead
established patient exam with pre-existing condition (less than 3 years) in the group C/D Dx
established patient with new condition
New Pt with group A/B diagnosis
New patient with group C/D diagnosis
Established patient w/ Group A/B Dx
AC ICD-10 Code
associated clinical indicators
Drop Affected Shoulder
Antalgic Posture
Hip osteoarthritis ICD-10 Code
associated clinical indicators
Insidious/gradual onset deep achy pain Prior history of sprain, strain, and/or overuse Over 60 years of age Pain w/ stiffness in hip possible radiation to groin
Meniscal Tear ICD-10 Code
associated clinical indicators
Pain after rotational injury (Wt bearing)
knee may lock
clicking on flexion
Tibial Meniscus Tear Ortho Cluster
Joint Line Tendeness Bohler Test McMurrays Steinman 1 Apley's Test Payr Test .97 sens; .87 spec
joint line tenderness + Thessalys
(20 degrees)
medial .93 sens; .92 spec
lateral .78 sens; .99 spec
Joint line tendersness+McMurray
Medial .91 sens., .91 spec
Lateral .75 sens, .99 spec
Cervical radiculopathy ortho cluster
Wainner's Cluster Upper Limb tension Spurling's A Distraction cervical rotation < 60 ipsilateral 2/4= .56 specificity 3/4 = .94 specificity 4/4= 99 specificity
TOS Ortho Cluster
Gillards Cluster Adson Wright Hyperabduction Test Roo's Tinels 3-4 + Tests 85-90% SE; 30% SP 5/5 84% Specificity
Lumbar Disc Ortho Cluster
Disc Cluster (Souza) SLR Sens 97, Spec 57 Slump's Sens 83, Spec 55 Crossed SLR (Well LR) Sens 28 Spec 90 L5/S1- Pain into S1 area, Achilles reflex path., S1 derm. Defect L4/L5- extensor hallucis weakness Pain L5 area, L5 derm.defect
Lumbar Stenosis ortho cluster
Cook's Clinical Prediction Rule Bilateral symptoms Leg pain > Lumbar pain pain with standing walking pain relief sitting patient > 48 year old 1/5: sens 96 spec 20 4/5: sens 6: spec 98
Sacroiliac Lesion Ortho Cluster
- Vanderwurff’s Cluster
- Laslett’s 2
VanderWurff's Cluster (sens 85) spec 79 Gaenslen's FABER SI Compression SI Distraction Thigh thrust
Laslett's 2 (sens 91; spec 87) SI Compression SI Distraction Thigh Thrust Gaenslen's Test Sacral Thrust
Impingement Syndrome Ortho Cluster
Michener Impingment Cluster* Painful ARC Test* Hawkin's Kennedy Test* Neer's Test* Empty Can Test* External Rotation Weakness* Sens 75; Spec 74 for 3 or more pos. tests
AC Ortho Cluster
Chronopoulos AC Joint Cluster* 2 or more: Sens 81;Spec 89 O'Brien/Active Compression Test* Cross-body Adduction* AC Resisted Extension*
Hip Osteoarthritis Ortho Cluster
Sutlive's Clinical Prediction Rule OA Scour Test internal rotation < 25 degrees pain with squatting pain with active hip flexion/extension FABER 5/5 .14 sens; .98 spec 4/5 .48 sens; .98 spec 3/5 .71 sens; .86 spec 2/5 .81 sens; .61 spec 1/5 .95 sens; .18 spec