ICB Part 4 Questions Flashcards
How much money did Dick and Perry get from the “big score” at the Clutter home?
Between 40 and 50$
If Dick breaks out of jail, he plans to
leave Perry behind
Why does Perry change his confession?
He feels bad for Dick’s parents
What unusual response did Dick and Perry have to the murders after they committed them?
they laughed uncontrollably
Why does a sheriff from Florida want Dick and Perry to take a polygraph test for him?
to see if they are connected to the murder of a family of four near Tampa
Who writes to Perry in jail?
Don Cullivan
What is the last thing from the auction of the Clutter estate?
Babe, Nancy’s horse
What was Dick’s real motive for going to River Valley Farm?
to rape Nancy Clutter
What does Dick believe caused his anti-social and reckless behavior?
a car accident that damaged his brain
Who is the only member of the Clutter family to attend the trial?
Arthur Clutter, Mr. Clutter’s brother
Why is Floyd Wells an effective witness for the prosecution?
He gives a clear motive as to why Dick wanted to steal from the Clutter home, and he is how Dick and Perry knew the layout of the house.
Who is the most effective witness for the prosecution?
Alvin Dewey
What revelation about the murders does Perry reveal to Don Cullivan during their meal together?
He murdered the Clutters because someone needed to pay for all the hurt Perry had endured.
What does the M’Naghten Rule limit?
A psychologist’s testimony
What diagnosis does Dick receive from Dr. Jones?
possible brain damage that altered his personality
Who is most like the study in The American Journal of Psychiatry cited by Capote?
What is the message of the defense attorneys as they submit closing arguments?
It would be unChristian to put a man to death.
What item does Perry give to Mrs. Meier so that she will remember him?
a picture of himself when he was 16
Why was there corporal punishment in Kansas from 1957-1960?
the governor at the time didn’t like killing people
Why might have Capote examine famous Kansas murders and murderers?
to show society’s fascination with killers
What does Dick believe is Perry’s real reason for going on a hunger strike in jail?
To end up in a psychiatric facilty
Why do the judges reject Shultz’s argument that Dick deserves a new trial?
They both confessed, the defense attorneys did all they could to argue to avoid the death penalty, and there was strong evidence against them.
Who is the first inmate in “the corner” to be hanged?
Lowell Andrews
What do defense attorneys argue in the Supreme Court?
Dick and Perry confessed before they had lawyers.
Who is disappointed that the Clutters do not appear at his hanging because he believes that revenge is the only reason for capital punishment?
For whom does Alvin Dewey feel more pity/remorse at his death?
How long does it sometimes take for someone to die from hanging?
20 minutes
What two people from the story show the growth and beauty of human life even in the face of grief?
Bobby Rupp and Susan Kidwell