ICAO VFR and IFR Rules Flashcards
Visual Meteorological Conditions
Instrument Meteorological Conditions
VMC minima at or above 10,000ft
8km visibility
1500m horizontally clear of cloud
1000ft vertically clear of cloud
VMC minima between 10,000ft and 3000ft amsl (or 1000ft agl)
5km visibility
1500m horizontally clear of cloud
1000ft vertically clear of cloud
VMC minima below 3000ft amsl (or 1000ft agl) in Class A to E airspace?
5km visibility
1500m horizontally clear of cloud
1000ft vertically clear of cloud
VMC minima below 3000ft amsl or 1000ft agl in Class F and G airspace?
5km visibility
Clear of cloud and surface in sight
VFR flights shall not take-off or land at an Aerodrome in a Control Zone (CTR) in what conditions?
Cloud ceiling less than 1500ft
Ground visibility less than 5km
Special VFR flights may take-off and land at aerodromes within a Control Zone provided what conditions?
Visibility is greater than 1500m (3000m for EASA)
Cloud ceiling greater than 600ft
140kts IAS or less airspeed
VFR flight is not permitted in what airspace?
Class A
Special VFR
VFR flight cleared by ATC to operate within controlled airspace in meteorological conditions below VMC
VFR flights must not be flown over build up areas or open air assemblies below what?
1000ft above highest obstacle within 600m of aircraft
Lowest VFR flights can fly at
VFR flights must not operate above what FL and speeds?
Above FL195 at transonic/supersonic speeds
VFR flights may not operate above what FL in areas where vertical separation minimum up to what FL is 1000ft?
FL290 to FL410
IFR minimum flight altitude
1000ft (2000ft in high terrain or mountainous areas) above highest obstacle within 5nm of aircrafts position