IC3 Anticoagulants Flashcards
Which step of hemostasis do Anticoagulants block?
- Secondary hemostasis
- Block activation of fibrin polymerization by preventing conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin
List & classify the Anticoagulants according to their route of administration
Which oral Anticoagulants are antagonists of Vitamin K & which are not?
Vitamin K Antagonist
Non-Vitamin K Antagonist
What is the MOA of Warfarin?
- Active Vitamin K = reduced form
- Inactive Vitamin K = oxidised form
- Active Vitamin K is oxidised to inactive Vitamin K in a step that is coupled to the carboxylation of glutamic acid residues (on coagulation factors II, VII, IX & X)
- Carboxylation activates the factors II, VII, IX & X
- Warfarin inhibits Vitamin K reductase, the enzyme that reactivates the oxidized Vitamin K → Prevents activation of clotting factors
What is the reversal agent for Warfarin?
Vitamin K
What is the onset, time to peak plasma concentration & duration of action of Warfarin?
24 to 72h for oral, effects kick in when endogenous reserves of active vitamin K are depleted
Time to peak, plasma
2 to 8h for oral
Duration of action
2 to 5 days
How long is needed before full therapeutic effect can be achieved for Warfarin? Suggest why
- 5 to 7 days
- As some of the coagulation factors have a long half-life
e.g. Factor II (prothrombin) has T1/2 = 50 h
How well absorbed is Warfarin & how is it excreted?
Rapid & complete oral absorption
Urine & faeces
How is Warfarin metabolised & what is its half life elimination?
- Metabolised by liver, primarily via CYP2C9
- Half-life elimination is 20-60 hours, highly variable among individuals
Why does Warfarin have a variable response?
- Mostly due to genetic polymorphisms in 2 genes
CYP2C9 & Vit K reductase complex, subunit 1 or VKORC1
What are the 2 main parameters used to monitor & titrate Warfarin dose?
- International normalized ratio (INR)
- Prothrombin time (PT)
What is a common adverse effect of Warfarin?
Haemorrhage / bleeding 🩸
Signs include blood in stools or urine, melaena (sticky, tar-like stools), excessive bruising, petechiae, persistent oozing from superficial injuries, excessive menstrual bleeding
What are the rare adverse effects of Warfarin? State the risk factors if any
Greatest risk if >60 y/o, male, on warfarin < 1 month
Cutaneous necrosis & infarction of breast, buttocks and extremities
Likely due to ↓ blood supply to adipose tissue
Typically occurs 3 to 5 days after initiation
What are the contraindications of Warfarin?
- Hypersensitivity to drug
- Bleeding associated: Active bleeding, risk of pathologic bleeding, after recent major surgery
- Severe or malignant hypertension
- Severe renal or hepatic disease
- Subacute bacterial endocarditis, pericarditis, or pericardial effusion
- Pregnancy (teratogenic: severe defects in bone & CNS, can cause haemorrhagic disorder in fetus)
In whom should cautions be taken for Warfarin?
- Breast-feeding women
- Diverticulitis, colitis
- Mild or moderate hypertension
- Mild or moderate renal / hepatic disease
- Drainage tubes in any orifice
What are the drugs that may increase bleeding risks when used concomitantly with Warfarin?
- Paracetamol (warn patients! can get OTC easily)
when used long term (>2 weeks) at high doses (> 2g/day) - CYP2C9 inhibitors (allopurinol, NSAIDs, salicylates, PPI, metronidazole)
- Other antiplatelets or anticoagulants