IC3 Flashcards
In a worksheet, reference to a specific cell, in a network, a reference to a specific computer, on the World Wide Web, reference to specific web site
Wireless technology used to allow devices (such as computers and phones) to work with Bluetooth-enabled accessories
A software application used to browse the World Wide Web.
Physical components that comprise a computer or computing device
A measurement, expressed in bits per second (bps), of a network’s capacity to move data from location to another
Special software that can be installed to control the type or amounts of content that can be viewed on a computer
A data entry unit for holding a single piece of info; a category of information in a database table.
An entry in an email program containing information about a person or organization, including the name, address, telephone numbers, or other relevant information such as a picture, email address, IM address
Device driver
Program that enables the operating system to communicate with and control an installed hardware device
Interface between an application (or app$ and the operating system; the environment within which an application runs.
A customary code of good practices relating to electronic communications
Small, light-weight programs you obtain from an App Store, apps are generally designed to perform a single function
Short message service
The white space or area from the edge of the paper to the text
App Store
Digital platform for distributing software, different platforms utilize different app stores
Hosted service that you can use to conduct online meetings with anyone who has an internet connection
Also known as Add-ons( small application that extend the capabilities of web browsers
A security barrier that filters and controls the flow of information coming into and out of a private network.
Home page
Top-level page of a web site (also called an Index page or a landing page)
Texts or values you specify when conducting a search or query
Indicates that an object or text is selected and will be affected by the next action or command.
A marked and stored location of an item such as a help topic or a particular web page on the internet. You can click a bookmark to navigate directly to page on the internet. Also known as favorites
Located below the ribbon in word or PowerPoint; the ruler displays icons that allow you to perform functions such as changing margins, tabs, and indents quickly
A feature that enables you to create a grid layout for content consisting of columns and rows, similar to how a worksheet appears.
Collection of files, can refer to programs that have been compressed using a “zip” program, or to a collection of messages stored by an email program separate from your inbox
Live streaming
The process of broadcasting real-time live audio/video footage as a video feed to an audience that accessed the stream over the internet
Program designed to allow a hacker remote access to a target computer system.
Science studying humans in a workplace environment and of designing equipment that maximizes safety, minimizes discomfort, and prevents workplace injuries
Area at bottom of screen that runs horizontally and contains the start menu and other frequently used programs, folders, and files
Foreign key
A column (or combination of columns) in a table the referenced the primary key in another table.
The act of putting a person (or a web site or domain) on a list that will deny them special privileges or service
Proprietary software
Software that is owned by an individual or a company, and sold as an executable file along with a license
Word wrap
Feature that moves text from the end of a line to the beginning of a new line as you type
Intellectual property
A work or invention that is the result of the creative effort of a company or individual; the creator has rights that restrict the use of his intellectual property by others
Virtual personal assistants
Voice activated services that answers questions, make recommendations and perform actions on a device.
Filed you include with a communication such as an email or a text message
A feature that automatically completes a word you are typing
A unique string of characters that must be provided before a logon or access is authorized
Geographic area defined for communications services on a cellular network; also the intersection of a row and a column in a spreadsheet
Carbon copy in header of any email message
A selection of cells in a worksheet
Inline object
An object that acts as a text character in a paragraph.
Digital footprint
Permanent record of the activities you have performed throughout your online life
A sequence of instructions that guides the computer through the performance of a specific task or sequence of tasks
Software that automatically displays or downloads advertisements
A system for moving objects or info from one location to another
Lock screen
Screen that displays until the user performs the required gesture, or enters the correct information; a featurea designed to keep unauthorized users from accessing your device
A set of rules that enables devices to communicate with one another in an agreed-upon manner
A computer designed to support other computers for business purposes; servers provide files and services to other systems on a network
Radio Button
A selection that appears in a dialog box that allows a user to choose one item from a group of choices
A record in a database table or a numbered row (horizontal sequence of cells) in a worksheet
Acronym for: authentic, accuracy, objectivity, currency, and coverage, or the guidelines you can use to help evaluate information you find on the internet
Silicon chip that performs calculations and logical operations in the computer; also referred to as the central Processing Unit (CPU) or simply as the processor
An online discussion site where users post questions and answers to create conversations also called discussion boards
Underlying physical framework needed for the operation of a device or an enterprise; in networking, it is the hardware that supports high-speed communications and data transfer
Law that awards ownership of original works to the author or creator, whether the work is published or unpublished
End User license agreement; a license agreement you accept and agree to abide by when you install software.
Hosted Service
A service that is provided by a server located outside your own network
Open-Source Software
Software for which the code base if freely available and modifiable; usually the software is distributed without charge.
The process of confirming the identity of a user or computer system
Boolean Operators
Words or symbols you can use to narrow the results returned by a search
Process of having a file delivered to your device in a constant and steady stream; file is not stored on computer
Voice over Internet Protocol- a technology that allows you to make voice calls using a broadband internet connection instead of traditional telephone line
Online meeting
A meeting in which multiple participants can speak, share visuals, send files, and request and take control of material being presented
The organization of files and folders on a disk.
Antivirus software
Use to scan your computer for known viruses, and to eliminate any viruses that are discovered
Text or graphics that repeat at the top of every page. May include page numbers
Local Area Network; a private network usually confined to one geological location.
Internet Service Provider; a company that provides a connection to the internet for a monthly fee
System image
Exact image of a hard drive, it includes windows and the system settings, programs, and files. You can use a system image to restore the contents of your computer to the state it was when you created the image
Contextual tabs
Tabs that appear on the ribbon only when appropriate
Tab on keyboard, page of options in a dialog box, a menu comment on the office 2016 ribbon, or an option to display another page for further action
Wide area network: network that connects computers in multiple locations using communication lines owned by a public carrier. A WAN is a public network
Conference call
A call that involves three or more parties
Web servers
Servers that host or store a company’s or an individual’s web site.
Speaker notes
PowerPoint feature that allows you to creat notes on the side of presentation
A global network of computers. It is a large non-administered collection of computers that no one person or organization owns or is responsible.
Term that refers to device that does not physically exist, but I’d made it appear and act if it exists by software
Cloud computing
Technology in which computing resources are delivered as a service over the internet
A box on a chart that explains the meaning of each line in a line chart, or a bar in a bar chart
Small self-contained program you can add to a web site, blog or personalized web page. A widget brings external content into the web page
Power plan
A collection of hardware and system settings that manages how a computer utilizes power
A collection of coordinated appearance settings saved under a name; themes include font settings, color settings and text, border, and fill styles
Mouse pointer
An icon (usually an arrow) that follows the movement of the mouse (or other pointing device) on the screen.
A group of eight bits used to represent one alphanumeric character
IP Address
Unique address that distinguishes one computer from another on a network; formatted by a series of 4 decimal numbers separated m by periods (IPv4) or 8 hexadecimal separated by colons (IPv6)
Closed Social Network
Social media network that is private and internal to a company or organization; you must use a account that is associated with your organization in order to participate.
Social engineering
Practice of tricking users into giving out passwords or other types of access info
In a website, a type of secondary navigation scheme that shows the user’s current location, in file explorer, the file path to the current location wherein each piece of text in the address bar is an active control
A pre-defined formula
An expression which calculates a value; can be composed of values, cell references, arithmetic operators and functions
Socket into which you can connect peripheral devices Tito a computer
Documents that audience members can take with them after viewing a presentation
Check box
Option in a dialog box used for selecting or activating items or features. If checked, the feature is activated. If unchecked, feature is turned off
Mini toolbar
A contextual toolbar that appears only when you select text. As you move the mouse pointer over the toolbar, it becomes a functioning toolbar with commonly used text formatting options
Navigation bar
A series of links (usually down the left side of across the top of page) that provides access to various areas of a website
File name extension
A suffix added to the base name of a computer file; used to specify the format of a file and to identify which programs created and can open the file
Private browsing
Option that allows you to surf the web without saving info about your browsing
Status bar
Located at the bottom of the screen. It displays messages, cursor location, page number, section number, and whether specific features are active
Root directory
Highest level of any directory on a disk; represented by the drive letter and a colon, followed by a backslash
Software as a service; a subscription service where you may a monthly rate for access to software that is delivered over a network
The act of disallowing access to specific content through tools such as filters, blockers, or blacklists
Power mode available only on laptops that stores open files and programs to disk and turns off the system. This mode draws no power
Special effects that you can apply as you move from one slide to another
Address book
Central location where contact info for entire organization is stored
Address bar
In file explorer, a field in which you can enter a path to a file or folder; in a browser it is the field in which you type a URL
A container that stores files and other folders; also known as a directory or sub directory.
Folders on a hard drive used by browsers to store downloaded files
The screen background for windows where windows, icons, and dialog boxes appear
Rules associated with objects on a computer, such as files, folders, and settings. Permissions determine what you can access when use it
Built in programmable logic (software) that is embedded in a piece of hardware and controls how the device functions.
Virtual private network- encrypted connection between two computers that allows secure, private communications over long distances using the internet
Network share
A location on a server that is available over a network; used within the confines of a LAN
A small text file placed on your computer by a website. Cookies store info about your preferences
The direction of the paper for text flow; portrait takes advantage of length of paper virtually whearas landscape used the length horizontally
In-browser App
A web-based browser extension by linking to a web service.
Online profile
A collection of information about you, including your user name, a picture, your hobbies and interests and so on
A feature that enables you to format the layout of your document into one, two, or three columns of text
File permissions
Rules that determined whether you can access a file and what you can do with it
A network cabling protocol for transmitting data across the LAN; a wired connection
Pop-up blocker
A utility in q browser that suppresses the display of pio-up windows
Learning Management system; software application designed to deliver electronic training courses, track student progress, and generate performance reports; an engine that powers eLearning.
A reference to data that is located somewhere other than the present location; you click a hyperlink to jump to the target location
Digital/online identify
Collections of data about you that is available online; it includes your profile and your online activities (such as posts, shared pictures, uploaded videos, and so on).
World Wide Web: System of interlinked documents accessible in the internet
Process of converting data into an unreadable form of text which then requires deception key in order to be read. Files, folders, or email messages can be encrypted so that unauthorized people cannot view or use the info
Multimedia Messaging Service; similar to SMS but provides a standard way to send messages that include multimedia content from one mobile device to another
Graphical User Interface; it provides menus and clickable buttons or icons to perform computing tasks. Windows is a GUI
Uniform Resource Locator; a global (text) address of a resource that is located on the World Wide Web. It consists of a protocol identifier and domain name. Each URL is associated with a specific IP address. You enter a URL into a browser address bar to visit a web page
The positioning of text or the contents of a cell; for example, left, right, or centered.
Sub folder
Folder in another folder
Cyber bullying
Bullying that utilizes online tools and environment ms; making online threats or posting hurtful comments are examples
A private web site on your company’s network; you must log in using a valid user name and password
Instant Messaging
A type of electronic communication that allows two or more participants to converse in real time by typing messages to one another
Office clipboard
A place to store data temporarily, pending retrieval
The route you must follow to get to the location of a file on a disk
Refers to any program that makes a computer run-including operating systems and application programs
Device that converts a printed page or image into an electronic format
User name
Unique name associated with a particular computer or software account
Optical Character Recognition: functionality which allows a scanner to convert a scanned image into editable electronic text and save that editable text as a document
Info about a single item in a database table. A record contains fields (or columns) and each field contains different piece of info about the item
User profile
A collection of setting that make the computer look and function in a particular manner
Malicious program designed to take control of system operations, and damage or destroy data
Person who tries to gain unauthorized access to a computer system
Duplicate copy of a program, disk, or data, made either for archiving purposes or for safeguarding files from loss if the active copy or damage or destroyed
Floating object
An object that cab be placed in any position in a document because it “floats” above the text
When you turn a word or phrase into a hashtag, it becomes a searchable link
Web apps
Applications that run on the World Wide Web instead of running directly on a device
Online journal that includes a communications element.
Words that you enter in a search field as criteria for a search
Binary digit (bit)
The smallest unit of data a computer can understand, represented by a zero or a one
Software that is secretly placed on your system and gathers personal or private info without your consent or knowledge.
Customer Relationship Management: the practice of managing and analyzing interactions with customers in order to improve business relationships and can increase customer retention
The process of trying to gather sensitive info such as a password, or credit card details from an unsuspecting victim
Control Panel
Area in windows where you can access features to customize settings for devices on your system.
What you see is what you get: display mode that shows document exactly as it will appear when you print it or when you view it in a web browser
Network Interface Card: hardware that must be installed on your computer before you can send or receive data between your computer and the network
Primary key
A field (Or combination of fields) that uniquely identifies each record stored in a database table
Sharing link
A hyperlink you can send in the body of an email message that provides access to a file or folder stored in a cloud location
Devices connected to a computer system by a cable or by using wireless technology
Small units of data that are transferred across a network; each packet includes address information for the source and destination device and a data payload
An alternate (or false) name
Recycle Bin
A temporary storage area for deleted files. Deleted files remain in the recycle bin until the deleted files are restored or the recycle bin is empty
A value that a function uses in order to perform a calculation
Process of sending data from your computer to a server
Name box
This box displays the cell address of the active cell. It is located on the left below the toolbar
Hypertext Transfer protocol; the protocol used to request and send web pages over the internet.
An audio or video file you can upload to play or broadcast from a media player or a website. Podcasts can also be broadcast in real time from tour computer with a webcam.
Blind carbon copy, a field in the header of an email message. Other recipients of the message will not see who was named in the Bcc field
Quick Access Toolbar
Located above the file tab and contains popular commands such as save, undo, and redo. This toolbar can be customized for those commands you use frequently
A point where two systems (or people, or networks, or devices) meet and exchange information
Restore point
A saved snapshot of your computers windows system files, program files, and windows registry settings at a specific point in time
Page break
Division between two pages
A function that stores and list the URLs of web sites you visited.
Software that can harm a computer; usually refers specifically to spyware and adware
Domain name system: a service that maps unique domain names to specific IP addresses
Small circles or squares that appear around the perimeter of a selected object
Cascading style sheets
Section of a web page (or a separate sheet attached to a web page) where presentational attributes (such as font colors, background styles, element alignment, and so on) are defined