IC Organ Functions Flashcards
DNI - 3
(a) Oversee and lead integration in the IC
(b) Principal advisor on intelligence matters to the President, the NSC, and HSC
(c) Directs implementation of the National Intelligence Program [NIP]
CIA - Functional Manager
- Provide “allsource” to the President, NSC, and policymakers
CIA - 2
(a) Provide accurate, comprehensive, and timely foreign intelligence and analysis on national security topics
(b) Conduct counterintelligence activities and other functions related to foreign intel and national security as directed by the President
DIA - Functional Manager
- Provide “allsource” to policymakers, to armed forces, US acquisition community, and force planners
NSA - Functional Manager
- Provide protection of nations information systems
- Collect, analyze, and disseminate foreign SIGINT
NSA - 3
(a) Produce foreign intelligence and protect US information systems
(b) is at the forefront of communications and information tech
(c) one of the most important centers of foreign language analysis and research
NGA - Functional Manager
NGA - 2
(a) Provides analysis of imagery and geospatial information
(b) DOD combat support agency
US “Eyes and Ears” in Space
NRO - 1
Acquire and operated space-based intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities
Head of US counterintelligence activities
FBI - 3
(a) Protects the US from terrorist attack
(b) Protects the US against foreign intel operations
(c) Protects the US against cyber-based attacks
DEA - 2
(a) Provides drug-related information responsive to IC requirements
(b) Manages requests from the IC for information in DEA pursuant to Title 21 authority
DOE - 5
(a) Defends from foreign penetration
(b) Gauges worldwide threat of nuclear terrorism
(c) Helps counter the spread of nuclear terrorism
(d) Provides intel and info in respect to energy
(e) Evaluates emerging foreign tech threats to US economy and military
DHS - 2
(a) Provide assessment of current and future threats to the homeland
(b) Focuses on border security
(c) Combats chemical and nuclear issues, infectious disease, extremists within the homeland
Provide “allsource” to Secretary of State and other policymakers
Provide intel and counterintel on financing for terrorist organizations, insurgencies, rogue regimes, and proliferation activities
Air Force Intel
(a) Uses manned/unmanned aeronautical vehivles to provide persistent information
Army Intel - 2
(a) Provide “allsource” intell to US Army missions and activities
(b) Provide “actionable intel” for the military and for force planners
Naval Intel
Provide “allsource” intel support to Naval activities and monitors global naval activity