Ibu Inne's Verbs Flashcards
ajak, mengajak
to invite
ampun(i), mengampuni
God’s kind of forgiveness
aduk, mengaduk
to stir
antar, mangantar
to escort, usher, take
bilas, membilas
to rinse, swill, flush
bagi, membagi
to share, divide
bahas, membahas
to discuss
baik, membaik
to improve
bakar, membakar
to burn
balas, membalas
to reply, respond
bangun, membangun
to build
bantu, membantu
to help
bayar, membayar
to pay
bebas(kan), membebaskan
release, liberate
beku, membeku
to freeze
benci, membenci
to hate, loathe
beri, memberi
beritahu, memberitahu
to inform
berontak, memberontak
to rebel, revolt
besar, membesar
to expand
buang, membuang
to throw away
bungkus, membungkus
to wrap
bunuh, membunuh
to kill, murder
busuk, membusuk
to rot, decompose
caci, mencaci
to berate, abuse
campur, mencampur
to mix, blend
cap, mengecap
to stamp, seal, imprint
catat, mencatat
to record or note
cek, mengecek
to check
cuci, mencuci
to wash
cium, mencium
to smell/to kiss
coba, mencoba
to try
culik, menculik
to abduct, kidnap
curi, mencuri
to steal
dapat, mendapat
to get, to receive
derita, menderita
to suffer
dorong, mendorong
dukung, mendukung
to support
ejek, mengejek
to mock
ekspor, mengekspor
to export
evauasi, mengevaluasi
to evaluate
fitnah, memfitnah
to slander
gali, menggali
to dig
ganggu, mengganggu
to disturb
ganti, mengganti
to replace, switch
gantung, menggantung
to hang
gendong, menggendong
to hold a child or person
gigit, mengigit
to bite
hukum, menghukum
to punish, criticise
hibur, menghibur
console, entertain
hina, menghina
to insult
hakim, menghakimi
to judge
hitung, menghitung
to count, calculate
impor, mengimpor
to import
inap, menginap
to stay overnight
jaga, menjaga
to maintain, guard
jahit, menjahit
to sew, stitch
jamin, menjamin
to guarantee
jawab, menjawab
to answer, reply
jemput, menjemput
to fetch, to pick up from
jerit, menjerit
to scream
kenal, mengenal
to recognise
ketuk, mengetuk
to knock
khayal, mengkhayal
to fanaticise, imagine
khianati, mengkhianati
to betray
kirim, mengirim
to send
koleksi, mengoleksi
to collect
kontrak, mengontrak
to contract
kontrol, mengontrol
to control
koreksi, mengoreksi
to correct
kritik, mengkritik
to criticise
kubur, mengubur
to bury
kunci, mengunci
to lock
kutuk, mengutuk
to curse
larang, melarang
to prohibit
latih, melatih
to train
layani, melayani
to serve
ledak, meledak
lipat, melipat
to fold
to jump
lukis, melukis
to paint
minta, meminta
to request
omel, mengomel
to nag
pelihara, memelihara
to care for animals
pakai, memakai
to use or wear
paksa, memaksa
to force, to use force
panggil, memanggil
to call
pasang, memasang
to install
to hold
pak, mengepak
to package
periksa, memeriksa
to check
pesan, memesan
to order
petik, memetik
to pluck, pick, strum
pilih, memilih
to choose
pimpin, memimpin
to lead