IBS Flashcards
Upper GI symptoms in IBS?
Between 25 and 50% of patients with IBS complain of dyspepsia, heartburn, nausea, and vomiting.
رابطه IBS & dyspepsia?
Prolonged ambulant recordings of small-bowel motility in patients with IBS show a high incidence of abnormalities in the small bowel during the diurnal (waking) period; nocturnal motor patterns are not different from those of healthy controls.
The prevalence of IBS is higher among patients with dyspepsia (31.7%) than among those who reported no symptoms of dyspepsia (7.9%).
Conversely, among patients with IBS, 55.6% reported symptoms of dyspepsia.
In addition, the functional abdominal symptoms can change over time. Those with predominant dyspepsia or IBS can flux between the two.
Although the prevalence of functional GI disorders is stable over time, the turnover in symptom status is high. Many episodes of symptom disappearance are due to subjects changing symptoms rather than total symptom resolution.
مکانیسم های پاتوفیزیولوژی IBS?
1-abnormal gut motor
2-visceral hypersensitivity
3-central neural dysfunction
4-psychological disturbances,
5-mucosal inflammation,
7-luminal factors such as bile acid malabsorption and gut dysbiosis
8-Abnormal Serotonin Pathways
What is post-prandial pain in IBS related to؟
مربوط به کدوم پاتوفیزیولوژی عه؟
Which test suggests of visceral afferent dysfunction in IBS?
Ddx of Gastric and esophageal hypersensitivity? ۳
اثر غذای پر از چربی در علایم بیماران IBS?
کدوم علایم IBS منشا پاتوفیزیولوزی شون central?
تجربه ی یک Physical abuse چجوری ممکنه منجر به IBS شه؟
Post infectious IBS
بیشتز در چه گروهی لز بیماران رخ میده؟
What are the risk factors for developing postinfectious IBS? 8
What is the risk factor for IBS in patients with age older than 60 years?
عفونت GI با کدوم باکتری ها ممکنه منجر به IBS شه؟ ۳
مکانیسم احتمالی اسهال در IBS-D?
Increased intestinal permeabilityدر ۳۹ درصدشون مشاهده شده
در دسته ی : Immune activation and mucosal inflammation
محرک تغیرر Permeability روده در IBS?
stress and anxiety
چه تستی رو درIBS وقتی میخوایم ببینیم BOS داره یا نه انجام میدادیم؟
ایا نتیجه ش مطابقه با مطالعات دبگه؟
افزایش ترشح سروتونین در کولون در IBS با چه علایمی مرتبطه؟
Which clinical features are suggestive of IBS? 5
وجود چه علایمی به ضرر تشخیص IBS اند؟ ۵
Ddx of IBS When pain is in the epigastric or peri umbilical area? 5
Biliary tract disease
Intestinal ischaemia
Carcinoma of stomach and pancreas
Ddx of IBS When pain is in the Lower abdomen?
اگه بیماری اومده با درد Post prandial pain accompanied by bloating nausea and vomit به چیا فکر مبکنیم؟
وقتی که اسهال علامت اصلی عه؟ ۷
برای بیماری که Constipation dominant است چیارو باید اول R/O کنیم؟ 7