IB6 - Noise Flashcards
Noise is defined as “all sound which can result in hearing impairment or be harmful to health or otherwise dangerous”
- Sound is the vibration of any substance. The substance can be air, water, wood, or any other material, and in fact, the only place in which sound cannot travel is in a vacuum.
- The vibrations occur among the individual molecules of the substance, and the vibrations move through the substance in longitudinal sound waves.
- Longitudinal pressure waves moving through air (or other media).
Is the maximum displacement of sound wave pressure (measured in Pa).
A larger amplitude means louder
- Is the sound power transmitted per unit area (W/m2).
- Sound intensity is proportional to sound pressure squared.
- Frequency (F) is the number of times a complete wave passes a point. It is measured in hertz (Hz), or cycles per second. The slowest, lowest sound a human can hear is approximately 20 Hz. The highest sound a human can hear is approximately 20,000 Hz (or 20 kilohertz - kHz).
- subjectively described as ‘pitch’.
Sound Pressure Level
- Sound pressure is the local pressure deviation from the ambient atmospheric pressure, caused by a sound wave. It is measured in Pascals.
- Sound pressure is the ‘effect’ of a disturbance (what is heard).
- Sound pressure level (SPL) is the pressure level of a sound, measured in decibels (dB).
What is the logarithmic relation between dB and intensity?
- 0 dB Threshold of human hearing
- 10 dB 10 or 101 times more intense
- 20 dB 100 or 102 times more intense
- 30 dB 1,000 or 103 times more intense
- 40 dB 10,000 or 104 times more intense
Decibel (dB)
- Used to measure sound intensity.
- The threshold of hearing is assigned a value of 0dB.
- Decibel scale is logarithmic, rather than linear.
What is the hearing human threshold?
- 0 dB, it is the least intense sound a human can detect
- Above 90 dB can lead to chronic hearing damage
- 110 decibels (threshold of discomfort)
- above 130 decibels (threshold of pain)
- A perceived sound level, a filter (a factor, a weight) applied to engineering (scientific) measurements to obtain a perceived sound level by human ears.
- Humans perceive SPL at higher frequencies as louder than the same PSL at lower frequencies.
- Other weighting scales are also used, e.g. C-weighting (dB(C)) for peak sound pressure.
- Mimics the human ear’s response across the range of frequencies
- Reduces the importance of lower frequencies at 500 Hz or less. The lower the frequency, the greater the A-weighted correction factor becomes
- Slightly increases the overall magnitude of the mid to high frequencies (2,000-4,000 Hz).
- Reduces the very high frequencies as they extend beyond normal hearing.
- It is used for the measurement of peak noise
- Designed to approximately correspond to how humans perceive sound at higher volume levels
- The C-weighting scale is quite flat, and therefore includes much more of the low-frequency range of sounds than the A and B scales
A, B and C Weighting
- A weighting (dB(A)) mimics the response of the human ear and is the one that is used most frequently to assess the effects on humans of exposure to noise;
- B weighting (dB(B)) is used to measure sounds that may have a more dominant low frequency content;
- C weighting (dB(C)) provides for some filtering at the higher frequencies and is used to measure peak levels.
Damaging effects of noise are related to
The dose (total amount of energy) the ear receives.
The dose is determinated by 2 factors:
- Level of Noise
- Duration of Exposure
LAeq is the equivalent continuous sound pressure level that is
averaged over a period of time and takes account of fluctuations in noise that occur when the machines are running.
“when a noise varies over time, the Leq is the equivalent continuous sound which would contain the same sound energy as the time varying sound”.
- The equivalent continuous daily personal noise exposure level.
- The time-weighted average dose of noise calculated for a 8-hour day.
- Maximum C-weighted peak sound pressure level(s) to which a person is exposed.
- Not a time-weighted average exposure but a ‘spike’ in sound pressure level achieved by exposure to a single impulse noise.
Physiology of the Ear
Outer ear with auditory canal - collects sound onto eardrum.
Middle ear - transmits and amplifies sound to the cochlea.
Inner ear - stimulates nerve ends at the base of hair cells and transmits sound energy patterns to auditory centre of the brain.
Types of hearing loss (6x)
- Conductive Hearing Loss : Physical breakdown of the conducting mechanism of the ear resulting from an acute acoustic trauma.
- Sensorineural Hearing Loss: Exposure to excessive noise, resulting in varying levels of acoustic trauma.
- Tinnitus: Persistent ‘ringing’ in the ears & an acute condition which may stop (temporary tinnitus) with time.
- Threshold Shift
– Temporary Threshold Shift (TTS): Exposure to a high noise level; hearing sensitivity returns with time. (Fatigue of the hair cells in the cochlea.) – A dip in hearing sensitivity occurs at 4,000Hz.
– Permanent Threshold Shift (PTS): a non-reversible condition which usually follows continual TTS exposure.
- Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) : Permanent threshold shift as a result of exposure to excess noise. Failure of the hair cells in the cochlea to respond fully to sound intensities which have frequencies within the speech range
- Presbycusis : Age-related hearing loss (or presbycusis) is the gradual loss of hearing in both ears. Most often, it affects the ability to hear high-pitched noises such as a phone ringing or beeping of a microwave
A temporary threshold shift (TTS) is
a hearing loss which shows some recovery within 24-48 hours after the noise exposure stops. The more intense (louder/longer) the exposure, the longer the expected recovery period would be.
permanent threshold shift (PTS)
Hearing loss which persists more than 30 days after the noise exposure is considered to be permanent threshold shift (PTS) and recovery is unlikely.
Health Surveillance : Audiometry
Audiometry is the measurement of hearing performance in order to detect actual noise-induced hearing loss.
Interpreting the audiogram
- Frequency (Hz) is plotted from low to high pitch along the x-axis (horizontal).
- Intensity (dB HL) is plotted from soft to loud along the y-axis (vertical).
- Air conducting thresholds are indicated by an ‘X’ for the left ear and an ‘O’ for the right ear.
- Noise induced hearing loss typically presents with a classic ‘notch’ at around 4kHz.
Interpretation of Audiometric Results
- Mild hearing loss: 25 to 40 dB higher than normal.
- Moderate hearing loss: 40 to 55 dB higher than normal.
- Moderate-to-severe hearing loss: 55 to 70 dB higher than normal.
- Severe hearing loss: 70 to 90 dB higher than normal.
- Profound loss: 90 dB or more.
Where the health surveillance identifies hearing damage the employer shall ensure that the employee is examined by a doctor. If the doctor considers that the damage is likely to be the result of exposure to noise, the employer shall:
- ensure that a suitably qualified person informs the employee
- review the risk assessment
- review control measures
- consider assigning the employee to alternative work where there is no risk from further noise exposure
- ensure continued health surveillance and a health for any other employee who has been similarly exposed.
Audiometry Technique
- Preparation and instructions given about the test procedure.
- Earphones fitted over the ears and the test is then carried out on each ear.
- A threshold test is undertaken (ear subjected to sound at a frequency of 1kHz at varying levels of intensity).
- Ears tested through a range of frequencies and hearing loss recorded for each frequency.
The Principles of Noise Assessment
Surveying the workplace to gather data.
Analysing the results and comparing with action values.
Deciding if you need to do any more to control noise.
Planning what more you need to do and doing it.
Recording findings.
Reviewing assessment, as necessary.
The risk assessment should consider:
- The risk of hearing impairment, the impairment of communications, and possible effects of fatigue.
- The identification of sources and tasks which are likely to generate noise.
- The expected noise emission levels from equipment.
- The expected time of exposure.
- The people likely to be affected.
- The likely levels of personal noise exposure and comparison of these levels with legal limits to make control decisions.
- Identify any workers who need to be provided with health surveillance and whether any people are at significant risk.
Instrumentation to take measurements
- Simple Sound Level Meter
- Integrating Sound Level Meter (ISLM)
- Personal Sound Exposure Meter (Dosimeter)
Calculations Methods for Hearing Protection
SNR Method - You need a “C” weighted sound level meter and the protector’s SNR figure.
HML Method - You need the “A” and “C” weighted sound level and the protector’s HML figures.
Octave Band Method - You need a meter with Octave Band Filters and the hearing protector’s APV (assumed protected values) values.
Calculating dB(A) from SNR (dB(C)) Real World factor is 4dB
L’A = LC − SNR + 4dB
There are three methods for predicting the effects of hearing protection so that its suitability can be assessed:
- The Octave Band method is the most accurate but requires a full octave band spectrum of the noise in the workplace as derived from octave band analysis.
- The HML method is less accurate if noise is dominated by single frequencies but only requires two bits of information about the workplace noise - A-weighted and C-weighted average sound pressure levels.
- The SNR method (Single Number Rating) is the simplest but least accurate. One piece of information is required about the workplace noise - C-weighted average sound pressure level.
Whichever method is used, a 4dB addition is always made to the predicted noise exposure at the ear to take account of ‘real world’ factors.
Noise control strategies involve controls at the
source, the pathway and at the receiver
Noise Pathways
Directly - the noise moves directly from the source to the individual through the air.
Reflected - some noise is reflected off surfaces before it hits the receiver.
Transmitted - some of the noise from the source will be transmitted through structures and then re-emitted into the air.
Advantages of Audiometry Programmes
- May help to demonstrate legal compliance, demonstrating that hearing loss risks are well managed, it may be required by law in certain countries.
- Pre-employment testing gives a basis against which future tests can be compared.
- Can assist in defence of civil claims, since the pre-employment testing may show that hearing loss had already occurred before starting work.
- May result in lower insurance premiums since the insurer will be reassured that noise risks are being managed.
- May assist in identifying control measure deficiencies. If workers suffer hearing damage, then this should be investigated like any other accident or instance of ill-health.
Limitations of Audiometry Programmes
- Increased costs to the organisation. Audiometric testing requires a soundproof booth, a room to install it in, an audiometer, personnel to carry out the testing, admin personnel to organise the tests and appointments, and releasing workers from their normal duties to be tested.
- Can be inaccurate if the subject is uncooperative since it relies on the subject signalling that they can hear the sounds.
- It is reactive in that it determines loss of hearing that has already occurred. It does not help prevent injury.
- The subject may feel claustrophobic in a sound booth.
- Finally, and significantly, an audiometric testing programme may increase civil claims. Since the workers will become aware that their hearing has been damaged, they may be inclined to then pursue the organisation for compensation.
The following factors should be considered when selecting hearing protection:
- Types of protector, and suitability for the work being carried out.
- Noise reduction (attenuation) offered by the protector.
- Compatibility with other safety equipment.
- The pattern of the noise exposure.
- The need to communicate and hear warning sounds.
- Environmental factors such as heat, humidity, dust, and dirt.
- Cost of maintenance or replacement.
- Comfort and user preference.
- Medical disorders suffered by the wearer.
The types of hearing protection include:
Ear muffs
o Standard ear muffs.
o Noise cancelling ear muffs.
o Helmet mounted ear muffs.
Ear plugs
o Foam.
o Rubber.
o Disposable.
o Reusable and washable.
o With neck cords.
o With neck bands.
o Custom moulded.