IAS 40- Investment Property Flashcards
Prescribes acounting treatment for investment property and related disclosure requirements
- Does not apply to biological assets - IAS41 & IAS 16 or mineral rights and other non-regenerative resources.
What is carrying amount?
The value at which an asset is recognized in the financial statement.
The cost
Cash or equivalent paid, or fair value of consideration given, to acquire/contract asset.
Amount attributed to asset wen intially reccognised in accordance to specific requirement of iFRS,
What is fair value?
The price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date.
What is investment property?
Property (land or building or both) held by the owner or lessee (as a right-of-use asset) primarily for earning rentals or for capital appreciation, rather than for use of production or supply of goods or services, administrative purposees, sale in the ordinary course of business.
What is owner-occupied property?
Property held by the owner or lessee (as a right- of-use asset) primarily for use in the production or supply of goodds or services or for administrative purposes.
What is the criteria for investment property?
- Held for generating cashlows independent of other assets.
- E.g . lt cap appreciation, undetermined future use, prop under construction for future investment use.
- Ancilliary services provided should be insignificant to qualify as investment property. E.g providing secuirty and maintenance qualifies.
What is not investment property?
- Property intended for sale in the ordinary course of business under construction for sale, or development and rsale.
- Owner occupied property, or held for future occupation, or employee occupied property and property awaiting disposal.
- Property leased under finance leases.
How should mixed -use properties be accounted for?
**Separately if separable. **
If not separable, qualifies as investment property if the non-investment portion is insignificant.
Must disclose judgements made and apply consistent criteria.
What is the recognition criteria for an investment property?
Probable future economic benefits associated with propery will flow to the entity, and when the cost of the property can be reliably measured.
How is the asset measured at initial recognition?
At cost including transaction costs e.g legal fees, property taxes and other transaction costs.
exclude: abnormal wast on material, labor and losses before achieving planned occupancy lvls.
Initial recognition with cash equivalents:
* Deferred payments- cost w/ interest recognised as interest expense over the credit period.
* Exchange treatment - measured at fair value unless exhange lacks commercia substance or fair values are not reliably measured. If not fair value, cost is carrying amount of asset given up.
Comm substance= if alters fcf or entity specific value of affectd ops
How are day to day servicing costs treated?
Labor, consumables and minor parts for repairs and maintenance are to be expensed as incurred not recognised.
How are replacement parts treated?
Cost recognised in carrying amount of property when incurred as long as recognition criteria is met. The replaced part is derecognised.