IAM Identity and Access Management Flashcards
Exam prep
What are users?
People within the org, can be organised in groups
What do Groups contain?
Only users, can’t contain groups
What format is a policy expressed in?
What do policies define?
User Permissions
What is the high level policy structure
Version (policy language version)
ID (optional id for the policy)
Statement (one or more individual statements)
What does a policy Statement Consist of?
SID - identifier for the statement
Effect - can be Allow or Deny
Principle - who the policy applies to
Action - list of actions that the policy allows or denies (eg. s3:GetObject)
Resource - The resources to which the policy applies (e.g arn:aws:s3:::mybucket/*)
Condition: conditions in which the policy is in effect.
How can users access AWS
AWS Mgt Console : password and MFA
AWS CLI: access keys
AWS SDK: access keys
What are IAM Roles
These are permissons for services
EC2 Instance Roles
Lambda Function Roles
Roles for CloudFormation
What tool lists all your accounts users and the status of their various credentials?
IAM Credentials Report (account-level)
What tool shows the service permissions granted to a user and when those services were last accessed?
IAM Access Advisor (can be used to revise your policies)