IACSS Flashcards
What are the steps of handwashing?
Bare below elbows, wet hands and forearms, apply soap.
1. Palm to palm
2. Palm to palm with fingers interlaced
3. Back of hand to opposite hand with fingers interlaced
4. Back of fingers to opposing palms with fingers interlaced
5. Wash thumbs
6. Rub tips of fingers on palm
7. Wash wrists
Turn off tap with elbow and dry thoroughly.
Describe how you would consent a patient for vital signs?
Introduce self, check pt ID, ask how they would like to be addressed.
Vital signs are the measurement of temperature, blood pressure, pulse, breathing, and oxygen in blood. These are all painless procedures.
1. Temperature: This will involve me putting a probe in your ear which will beep and give me the temperature reading.
2,3. Pulse (and breathing) - no explanation needed
4. Blood pressure: This will involve me putting a cuff on your arm which i’ll make tight and then gradually loosen it, and listen with a stethoscope on your arm to measure your blood pressure.
5. Oxygen: To take your oxygen saturation, I’ll put a probe on your finger which will be linked up to a machine that’ll give me the reading.
What questions would you ask a patient before proceeding with vital signs?
I’m going to ask some questions which I’ll take into account when I interpret the results.
In the last 30 minutes, have you:
Eaten a large meal or had a drink?
Had a hot bath?
Smoked a cigarette?
Done exercise or exerted yourself?
Are you taking any medications? For your blood pressure?
Have you ever had any operations on your upper body or arms?
Have you ever had a fistula in your arm?
Do you have any pain, swelling, or weakness in your arms, or any reason why I should use one arm instead of the other?
(For temperature) Are you wearing a hearing aid? Do you have any ear infections?
How do you take temperature?
- Put the cap on the prove
- Insert into ear canal with the opening perpendicular to the surface being measured
- Wait for beep before removing thermometer
- Mark result on sheet with an X in the left column, reading off the right scale.
How do you take pulse and resp rate?
- Make sure patient arm is supported.
- Locate and palpate radial artery for a minimum of 15 seconds (use watch). Remember the number.
- Whilst appearing to palpate the radial pulse, count the resp rate for a minimum of 15 seconds. Remember the number.
- Multiply both by 4 and record.
How do you take blood pressure?
- Make sure pt is comfortable. Ask not to move or talk.
- Place cuff 2cm above antecubital fossa
- Inflate cuff until can no longer feel radial pulse; this is the estimated systolic pressure.
- Deflate cuff.
- Place stethoscope over brachial artery
- Reinflate cuff to 20-30 mmHg above estimated.
- Deflate cuff at a rate of 2mmHg/s.
- 1st Korotkoff sound = systolic BP. Remember the number
- 5th Korotkoff sound (sound disappears) = diastolic BP. Remember the number, deflate and remove the cuff asap
- Record the BP.
How do you take oxygen saturation?
- Check for nail varnish/fake nails
- Put peg on finger
- Take reading off machine.
What equipment do you need for venepuncture?
3 Wipes - one for skin, one for each microbiology blood bottle.
Butterfly needle
Barrel (clear plastic thing)
2 Vacutainers - yellow for U&E, purple for FBC.
2 Microbiology bottles - aerobic and anaerobic
Cotton wool
Sharps bin
What would you say to consent a patient for venepuncture?
Identify the patient against the notes. I would like to take some blood from you today, so that we can check for an infection. This will involve me inserting a small needle into your vein and taking blood. You’ll feel a sharp scratch as it goes in but you shouldn’t be in pain after that. There is a risk of bruising and infection, but we reduce that risk by using clean single-use equipment and applying pressure to the site. Does that sound okay? Do you have any questions? Do you have any allergies?
How would you prepare for venepuncture on the patient?
- Wash hands
- Gloves and apron
- Position patient comfortable with elbow extended and supported
- Apply tourniquet approx 5cm above antecubital fossa.
- Identify suitable site by inspection and palpation. REMOVE TOURNIQUET.
How would you perform venepuncture on the mannequin?
- Clean blood bottles
- Apply tourniquet, palpate vein
- Clean site
4.Insert needle <45 degrees with barrel with bevel up. Check for flashback. - Microbiological: aerobic then anaerobic
- Yellow U&E then purple FBC. Invert once filled.
- Remove needle
- Apply pressure with cotton wool and ask pt to apply pressure to reduce bruising.
- Dispose of sharps
- Label bloods - check with pt as you go
- Tape cotton wool, check pt welfare, check for allergies
- Fill out lab request form.
Ask pt to tell a nurse/doctor if they have any problems.
What is the black lab request form for?
Black = Microbiology (Aerobic and anaerobic).
What is the green lab request form for?
Green = Clinical chemistry (U&E)
How long should you clean for?
30 seconds then dry for 30 seconds.
What is the red lab request form for?
Red = Haematology (FBC)