I Work with people Flashcards
توم فلاح هو يعمل في المزرعه
Tom is a farmer he works on a farm
نحن نكون اطباء نحن نعمل ف المعمل
We are scientists we work in a laboratory
هو يكون نادل هو يعمل ف المطعم
He is a waiter he works in a restaurant
انتي تكونين ممرضه ,انتي تعملين ف المستشفي
You are a nurse you work in a hospital
جين تكون طباخه هي تعمل ف المطعم
Jane is a chef she works in a restaurant
هو رجل اعمال هو يعمل ف المكتب هو يعمل مع الناس
He is a businessman, he works in an office ,he works with people
هي ممرضه هي تعمل ف المشفي هي تعمل مع المرضي
She is a nurse ,she works in a hospital, she works with patients
They are farmers they work on a farm they work with plants
we are waitresses ,we work in a restaurant ,we work with food
طبيب بيطري
I am a vet I work in a hospital I work with animals
John is a mechanic he works in a workshop ,he works with cars