I think easier desk Flashcards
Invented by the Hebrew. Single substitution monoalphabetic cipher that substitutes each letter with it’s reverse (a and z, b and y, etc).
Atbash Cipher
Monoalphabetic cipher where letters are shifted one or more letters in either direction.
Caesar Cipher
Monoalphabetic cipher that shifts characters 13 characters. A would become N, B would become O, etc.
ROT 13. Stands for Rotate 13.
Was a staff with papyrus or letter wrapped around it so edges would line up. There would be a stream of characters which would show you your message. When unwound it would be a random string of characters. Would need an identical size staff on other end for other individuals to decode message.
Scytale Cipher
Doing something like +1, -2, +3 and shifting each character a different amount to the left or right. For example, doing +1, -2, +3 with dog would results in emj.
Multi-Alphabet Substitution Cipher
A disk you rotated to encrypt/decrypt. Similar technologies were used in the Enigma machine.
Cipher Disks
Created by Leon Alberti. Considered the forefather of modern encryption.
Cipher Disks
Invented by Giovan Battista Bellaso in middle 1553.
Vigenere Cipher. Vigenere created a stronger version of the cipher.
Combining/Weaving Caesar cipher. Not cracked until late 1800s. It is a cipher square with A to Z across all the columns and rows. You then use a keyword to encrypt the message. For example, if the message is cat, and the keyword is horse, you would look up where c and h intersect on the table (which is j), then where a and o intersect (o) and t and r (k). Cat would then be encrypted as jok.
Vigenere Cipher
Uses a 5x5 table and a key word. Rest of the alphabet is placed on table in alphabetic order, skipping letters used in the keyword. You break up the message into two character chunks and return a single character value. If the letters appear on the same row of your table, replace them with the letters to the right. If it is on the same column, replace them with the letters below.
Playfair Cipher
Invented by Charles Wheatstone in mid 1800s.
Playfair Cipher. Lord Playfair pushed use of it.
Invented by Colonel Fritz Nebel in 1918.
It is a 6x6 grid with ______ at the top of each column and beginning of each row. The 26 letters and numbers 0-10 are placed randomly on the table. You then replace each character of your message with two characters which are represented by the column followed by the row each character is present in.
Invented between World Wars, used by Germans and Japanese.
Enigma Machine
Data could be transmitted both via radio or printed on paper. Designed so that when a key was pressed, the cipher text for that plain text was different each time. Was a multi-alphabet cipher with 26 possible alphabets.
Enigma Machine
We can expose everything but the private key and the data can still be secure.
Kerckhoff’s Principle
Issue with Symmetric Encryption
There’s only one key, and it’s difficult to only have both parties who need the key to have it.
Base 2 system instead of base 10 system.
Binary Math
If both numbers have a one in the same place, then the resultant number is a one. If not then it is a zero
1st number - 1100
2nd number - 0100
Result - 0100
Binary AND
Checks to see if there is a one in either or both numbers in the same place. If so, the resultant number is one, if not, it is zero.
1st number - 1100
2nd number - 0100
Result - 1100
Binary OR
Checks to see if there is a one in either number in the same place. If so, the resultant number is one, if not, it is zero.
1st number - 1100
2nd number - 0100
Result - 1000
Binary XOR (Exclusive OR) ⊕
XORing the plain text with the key.
Swapping blocks of text.
Making the relationship between a key and the ciphertext as complex as possible.
Each binary digit (bit) of the ciphertext should depend on several parts of the key, obscuring the connections between the two.
The concept that if one bit of data changes, the cipher text will all completely change as well.
An algorithm for the key that calculates the subkeys for each round that the encryption goes through.
Key Schedule
Data is encrypted with a symmetric encryption algorithm, the symmetric private key is sent to the other party with asymmetric encryption.
Hybrid Encryption
Data is encrypted with a symmetric encryption algorithm, the symmetric private key is sent to the other party with asymmetric encryption.
Hybrid Encryption
Data is encrypted with a symmetric encryption algorithm, the symmetric private key is sent to the other party with asymmetric encryption.
Hybrid Encryption
Symmetric Algorithms
DES, 3DES, DESX, AES, Blowfish, Serpent, Twofish, Skipjack, IDEA
A technique used to increase the security of block ciphers. It consists of steps that combine the data with portions of the key (most commonly using a simple XOR) before the first round and after the last round of encryption.
Data fills up a block (typically 64 or 128 bits) and that block is encrypted as a whole.
Block Cipher
Which is faster- block or stream ciphers?
stream ciphers
Chunk data into evenly sized blocks. The two chunks are typically called L0 and R0 (left 0 and right 0)
Feistel Network
Symmetric algorithm. One of the most widely deployed algorithms in the world, even though it is no longer recommended or considered secure.
64 bit key (56 bits + 8 bits party), 64 bit block sizes.
3DES- type and how
Symmetric algorithm. Does DES 3 times, doing one of the following: 1st key encrypts, 2nd key decrypts, 3rd key encrypts, or one key encrypts/decrypts/encrypts, or 1st key encrypts, 2nd key decrypts, and 1st key encrypts again.
DESX- type and how
Symmetric algorithm. 64 bit key is appended to data, XOR it, and then apply the DES algorithm.
Symmetric algorithm. FIPS 197 was used to announce. Uses a substitution/permutation matrix instead of a Feistel cipher.
AES- key size, rounds, and block size
Key size is either 128, 192 and 256 bits. 10 rounds for 128 bits, 12 for 192 bits, 14 for 256 bit keys. Block size is 128 bit for each key size.
Blowfish Type- Designed by- Rounds- Key Size- Block Size-
Symmetric algorithm. Designed in 1993 by Bruce Schneier. 16 round Feistel cipher working with 64 bit blocks. Key size ranges from 32 to 448 bits.
Designed as a replacement for DES.
Serpent Type- Designed by- Rounds- Key Size- Block Size-
Symmetric algorithm. Designed by Ross Anderson, Eli Biham, and Lars Knudsen. Has a block size of 128 bits. Key size is 128, 192, or 256 bits. Uses a substitution-permutation network instead of Feistel cipher. Uses 32 rounds working with a block of four 32-bit words. Each round applies one of eight 4-bit to 4-bit S-boxes 32 times in parallel. Designed so all operations can be done in parallel.
Twofish Type- Designed by- Key Size- Block Size-
Symmetric algorithm. Designed by Bruce Schneier, John Kelsey, Doug Whiting, David Wagner, Chris Hall, and Niels Ferguson. Uses a block size of 128 bits and key sizes of 128, 192, or 256 bits. It is a Feistel cipher.
Skipjack Type- Designed by- Key Size- Rounds-
Symmetric algorithm. Designed by NSA for the clipper chip - a chip with built in encryption. The decryption key was kept in key escrow in case law enforcement needed to decrypt data without the owner’s cooperation, making it highly controversial. Uses an 80 bit key to encrypt/decrypt 64 bit data blocks. It is an unbalanced Feistel network with 32 rounds.
IDEA Type- Designed by- Key Size- Rounds-
Symmetric algorithm. Designed by James Massey and Xuejia Lai. Operates on 64 bit blocks and has a 128 bit key. Consists of 8 identical transformations each round and an output transformation.
CAST-128 Type- Designed by- Key Size- Rounds-
Symmetric algorithm. Created in 1996 by Carlisle Adams and Stafford Tavares. Operates on 64 bit blocks and has a key size of 40-128 bits. Typically used in GPG and PGP. Encryption is either 12 or 16 rounds.
CAST-256 Type- Designed by- Key Size- Rounds-
Designed by Carlisle Adams, Stafford Tavares, Howard Heys, and Michael Wiener. Operates on 128 bit blocks and has a key size of 128, 160, 192, 224 or 256 bits. Encryption has 48 rounds.
Data that is hidden inside of a common carrier.
What is chosen to hide data as they are typically padding or other parts that do not affect what the data is hidden in.
Least Significant Bit
The data to be covertly communicated.
The signal/stream/file itself that we’re hiding the payload inside of.
Statistical analysis on number of unique colors and color number pairs in the picture and you look for least significant bits and manipulation of data in those bits, typically inside of whitespace.
RQP (Raw Quick Pair)
Doing a calculation/comparison and looking at the number of overall bits and the info in those bits and then calculate the theoretical amount of information in the file and compare it to the actual information in the file The delta between the two is then used to compare the file bits to attempt to find the hidden information.
Chi Square
Confidential, not published, used for secret and top secret government communications. We have no knowledge of them other than what’s on this list is used by the government to securely communicate.
Suite A Algorithms
Commercially available and used in all modern software in one way or another that are recommended by the NSA.
Suite B Algorithms
Type 1
Suite B Algorithms - Juniper, Mayfly, Fast hash, Walburn, Pegasus, AES (depending on implementation)
Type 2
Suite B Algorithms - Skipjack, KEA
Type 3
Suite B Algorithms - DES, 3DES, SHA1, AES (depending on implementation)
Type 4
Suite B Algorithms - Not certified by government, but there may be public or private sector algorithms that exist on this level.
Encrypts data bit by bit. Processed in a sequential/linear progression.
Stream Cipher
Each block is encrypted independently, identical plaintext blocks are encrypted into identical ciphertext blocks. Each block is encrypted independently and only one round of encryption is done. Cannot diffuse/confuse or inject an initialization vector with this.
Electronic Code Book (ECB)
Each block of plaintext is XORed with the previous ciphertext block before being encrypted. The initial plaintext block has an IV added prior to encryption to produce a unique ciphertext value.
Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)
It’s basically CBC with the prior cipher text included as well. You take the previous plaintext and ciphertext, XOR them, and then XOR them with the next block’s plaintext.
Propagating Cipher Block Chaining (PCBC)
You start with an IV, encrypt it with your key, then XOR it with the plaintext to get cipher text. This value is then used as the starting point for the next round to encrypt with the key again before XORing it with the next block of plaintext.
Cipher Feedback (CFB)
Very similar to CFB, the only difference is that the output after the encryption is used as the IV for the next round prior to XORing it with plaintext, while CFB does the XOR prior to becoming the IV for the next round. It acts like a stream cipher since each bit is encrypted with the key individually and is then sent to act as the IV, one bit at a time for the next round.
Output Feedback (OFB)
Essentially this is ECB, but instead of plaintext encrypted with the key a nonce (a random challenge) and an incrementing counter is used. This is then XORed with the plaintext to get the cipher text. Nothing is carried over to the next round like some of the prior methods. This is a stream cipher as well.
Counter (CTR)
Digital Certificate standard template been around since 1988 and it’s the most commonly used format today.
X509 V3
Used to identify the holder when conducting electronic transactions.
Digital Certificate
When modified, they typically become invalidated. The can expire as well or be revoked for a number of reasons (private key compromised, etc).
Digital Certificate
This is one of the most common methods to distribute public keys.
Digital Certificate
4 Common Digital Certificate Fields
Certificate Information Statement, Issued to, Issued by, Valid from
11 Digital Certificate Details Fields
Version,Serial Number, Signature Algorithm, Hash Algorithm, Issuer, Valid From, Valid To, Subject, Public Key, Key Usage Statement, Friendly Name
Path for certification for Root CAs,
since they are self-signed, the only part of the path is themselves since it’s issued to itself
Path for certification for Intermediary CAs
it will show the Root CA who issued the certificate as the step above the certificate
A company that is an issuing authority that sells certificates.
Commercial CA
Certificate Extension Types
.pem, .cer/.crt/.der, .p7b, .p7c, .pk12. .pfx
Private enhanced mail - uses base 64 encoding with distinguished encoding rules enclosed between the open and close statements of begin certificate and end certificate.
Different extensions for distinguished encoding rules. Typically binary encoded.
Signed data structures, typically a CRL (certificate revocation list).
PKCS#7 or PKCS standard 7 (.p7b, .p7c)
These have our actual certificate certificates. Typically the public & private keys we are dealing with. They are password protected as well.
Predecessor to .pk12
Symmetric encryption formula
C = E(k,p)
Symmetric decryption formula
P = E(k,c)