I. The Parable Of The Rejoicing Shepherd Flashcards
In Luke 14:35 Jesus states ?
“He who has ears let him hear.”
Jesus “targets” two audiences but which one is “hearing” ?
“The tax collectors and sinners” forming an “inner circle.”
“Gathering around” in the Greek is literally translated to ?
Drawing near
Why did the tax collectors and sinners gather near Jesus ?
The tax collectors and sinners sensed that Jesus cares for them and has something meaningful to say to them.
“The Pharisees and teachers of the law” were ?
In the back (outer edge) muttering… talking! They were not listening to Jesus.
Which two themes of Jesus are introduced in these first two verses ?
Welcoming and Eating. They are “seen” in all three parables.
Who is the shepherd ?
Our Father in Heaven
Why are we to imitate the Shepherds heart ?
The shepherd searches until he finds the sheep (The shepherd leaves “the 99” to go and find “the one.” )
What does the shepherd do when he ends his lost sheep ?
Joyfully puts it on his shoulder
The issues of Welcoming and Eating: “calls friends and neighbors… to do what ?
The message of this parable is ? The value of a single soul.
The value of a single soul.
In the Middle East, what do shepherds do every night and how does this play on God?
Count their sheep every single night (therefore the heart of God is to take accountability for His sheep – His people.)
Why do we do accountability every Sunday ?
If a disciple doesn’t give or show up then something is usually wrong. Thus this is often the first signal that a disciple may fall away, as they are not “invested” in God’s Kingdom.
In the first 138 days of 2014 God has blessed the City of Angels Church with ?
152 baptisms, 29 restorations and 25 place membership