I&P term 1 Flashcards
What is emerging adulthood?
Transition from adolescence to adult
What is attachment theory?
Early life experiences strongly influence later adult functioning and vulnerability to psychopathology
What does secure attachment do?
Positive internal working models
Emotion regulation ability
What are positive internal working models?
- Childs self view
- self in relation to others
- social competence, esp peers
What are emotion regulation ability?
- Expression & recognition skills
- avoiding anxiety, dealing with stress
Practical consequences of insecure attachments
Separation during childhood
- hospital care of children
- parental divorce or bereavement
Lack of early secure attachment
- adult relationships
- psychological health
Stages in attachment development
0-2 months= pre attachment
2-7 months= attachment in the making
7-24 months= clear cut attachment
24 months+= goal corrected partnership
Stranger anxiety
10 months
Separation distress
12 months
Secure attachment
child stays quite close to mum, upset by her leaving, greets positively
Insecure (avoidant) attachment
avoids contact with mum on reunion, okay when left with stranger
Insecure (resistant) attachment
very upset by mum leaving, on return difficult to console both seeks comfort and resists
Attachment status can change
- Infant attachment initiates pathways of development e.g. peer relationships
- Attachments to others
a persons biological status
male/ female
learned or cultural status
masculine/ feminine
a person who fluctuates between traditionally male and female gender based behaviours and identities
A person whose gender identity and biological sex assignment at birth are the same
Gender expression
The external display of one’s gender
Gender fluid
A mix of boy and girl, someone who is gender fluid may always feel like a mix of two
A gender identity label often used by people who do not identify with being a man or a woman
A person born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn’t seem to fit the typical definitions of female or male
Gender Variant
Someone who either by nature or by choice does not conform to gender based expectations of society
Title that is gender neutral
Third gender
A term for a person who does not identify with either man or woman but identifies with another gender
A person who lives as a member of a gender other than that expected based on sex assigned at birth