I Don't Remember You Flashcards
I don’t re-mem-ber you.I don’t re-mem-ber you.
I don’t re-call a sin-gle thing we used to say or do.
I don’t re-call a sin-gle thing we used to say or do.
What danc-ing in the park?
What danc-ing in the park?
What laugh-ter in the dark?
What laugh-ter in the dark?
What smould-‘ring fire- place that lit your face with ev-‘ry spark?
What smould-‘ring fire- place that lit your face withev-‘ry spark?
And if I left you once be-fore,
And if I left you once be-fore,
Some-how I can’t re - call it an-y-more.
Some-how I can’t re - call it an-y-more.
- That was an-oth-er girl.You’re not at all like her.
- That was an-oth-er girl.You’re not at all like her.
Tho’ for an in-stant, when you touched me,I be-lieved you were.
Tho’ for an in-stant, when you touched me,I be-lieved you were.
But I was wrong! This mo-ment is new—
But I was wrong! This mo-ment is new—
be-cause I can’t, I won’t, I don’t re-mem-ber you.
be-cause I can’t, I won’t, I don’t re-mem-ber you.
- That was an-oth-er time
- That was an-oth-er time
An-oth-er time and place.
An-oth-er time and place.
Al-though you bear a faint re-sem-blanceyou’re an-oth-er face.
Al-though you bear a faint re-sem-blanceyou’re an-oth-er face.
Yes, I was wrong–! This mo-ment is new
Yes, I was wrong–! This mo-ment is new
be-cause I can’t, I won’t, I don’t re-mem-ber you.