I Flashcards
A large-format bottle holding 6 liters; the equivalent of eight standard 750ml bottles. The Bordelaise equivalent of Burgundy’s Methuselah.
Indicazione Geografica Tipica (IGT)
Italian quality classification meaning “wine typical of a region.” Indicazione Geografica Tipica is one level above the base category, Vino da Tavola. It can also be used by super Tuscans.
Intensity relates to appearance and aroma. When evaluating appearance, intensity describes the concentration of color. The more concentrated and opaque a wine’s color, the higher its intensity. Common descriptors for color intensity are pale, medium or dark. When evaluating aroma and flavor, the more pronounced or evident the characteristic, the more intense the wine.
Watering the vines. Banned in some regions, yet indispensable to establishing and maintaining vineyards in arid regions, especially where soils retain little moisture. Two methods include drip irrigation and the less precise floor irrigation.
A protein derived from the bladders of sturgeon and the other fish and used in the fining process. The protein binds with excess tannins, pulling them from overly harsh wines.