I Flashcards
Involve e.g. risk
Entail(large investments always entail some risk)
Mar (The text was marred by mistakes)
- Illicit (Not only prohibited by rules but also dismayed by people) e.g illicit affair,
Illegal(allowed by rules but not by moral ideas)
Forbidden, prohibited(e.g fruit)
Important(pretty important)
-sth is of paramount(very) importance
-sth is of concern
Increase in power
Be on the rise
Increase in power
Be on the rise
Intended to do something
to get round to something/Ving
e.g. I still haven’t get around to fixing that trousers, but I’ll get myself doing it ASAP.
-I wanted to watch Avatar 2 to, but I hadn’t got round to it for until last week.
I absolutely forbid you to..
Under no circumstances should/must/can you tell anyone about the plan.
Increase prices
Put up one’s/sth’s fees
e.g. If the gym hadn’t put up it’s fees last month, I would still be a member.
important, having huge influence on sth
instrumental (in)
e.g.Andras was instrumental in finishing Nyari estek