Hypoxia Flashcards
What are the classifications of hypoxia?
Hypoxic hypoxia
What is the oxygen delivery equation?
DO2 =
CO x (Hb x SaO2 x 1.34 + (PaO2 x 0.003))
What are the causes of hypoxic hypoxia?
- Low PiO2
- Hypoventilation
- Diffusion defect
- Shunt
- V/Q mismatch
How is inspired O2 calculated?
PiO2 = FiO2 x (Pb - PH2O)
Approx 20kPa
What is the alveolar gas equation?
PAO2 = PiO2 - PaCO2 / R
What is Fick’s law?
Rate of diffusion is proportional to surface area, pressure gradient and inversely proportional to distance flow has to travel
What is a shunt?
Mixed venous blood mixes with arterial blood by:
- Completely bypasses lungs
- Passes through parts of lungs not involving gas exchange
What are the causes of shunts?
- Extrapulmonary: Bronchial & thebesian veins, R-L cardiac defect
- Intrapulmonary: Alveolar full (pus, tumour, oedema, blood), atelectasis
What is the shunt equation?
Qs / Qt = CcO2 - CaO2 / CCO2 - CvO2
How do you collect mixed venous blood?
Pulmonary vein
What are the values for PvO2 & PvCO2 before and after in shunt?
PvO2: 5.3
PcCO2: 6.0
Values same before & after
What are the values for PvO2 & PvCO2 before and after in high V/Q or dead space?
- PvO2: 5.3
- PvCO2: 6.0
After (same as alveolar gas)
- PvO2: 20
- PvCO2: 0
What does shunt blood and dead space blood look like?
Shunt = Venous gas
Dead = Inspired gas
How does the volume change in the dependent & non-dependent parts of the lung?
D: Low vols
ND: High vols
How does the ventilation change in the dependent & non-dependent parts of the lung?
D: Lower ventilation
ND: Greater ventilation