Hypothyroidism Flashcards
What happens to TSH levels in Primary Hypothyroidsim?
What is the main cause of primary Hypothyroidism?
Autoimmune damage to thyroid gland-
What are the main symptoms of Primary hypothyroidism?
Features: Feel cold, tired, lethargy, memory impairment, Bradychardia, Hypertension, weight gain, voice deepening, consipation
Respond very well to thyroxine
The worse it can get is comas-usually seen in lonely people or old-as they think its normal
Which form of T (3/4) is the active form of thyroxin?
T3 is the much more active form but over 80% of the circulating is T4 form
T4 is like a pro-drug
How does T3 impact a cell?
Both T3/4 can enter, but T4 is transformed. T3 acts on heterodimer on DNA and increase gene expression of specific genes. TRE-thyroid receptor
What are the different options for thyroid hormone replacement?
Thyxorine sodium-LEvothryxine sodium (T4 form)-usually the drugs of choice
Can give T3 as well, but much more rare
When would you use T3 or T4 replacement hormones?
In primary hypothyroidism, where the production isnt working-T4 is perfect
use TSH levels as the guide for the needed levels
For secondary hypo (eg Pit tumour/damage,AID)-T4 given as well-but cant use TSH as guide because isnt made-aim for f(free)T4 in middle of reference range
When patient is in Myxoedema Coma, then give T3-active form-and much faster acting, and can be injected
Conteversy over T3-some patients convinced should only use T3 cause T4 isnt good enough (???)-no proof of that though
Combines thyroid-T3/T4-some reported improved well being, and symptoms of toxicity, and supress TSH (the guide to give the drugs)
What are the half lives of T3 and T4 replacements? How much of it is free in the plasma?
T3-2.5 days
=> means for t4 missing a dose is not the worse
99.97% of T4 is bound, 99.7% of T3 is bound-unfree, and only free one can act (bound to Thyroixine binding globulin (TBG)-TBG can fall with malutrition, coadministered drugs
What are the two causes of of hyperthyroidism?
Graves’ disease and Nodular Goitre (Plummers disease)
What is Graves Disease?
Autoimmune-Antibody stimulates the thyroid gland
causes a smooth Goitre and hyperthyroidism
Hyper-racing heart, jittery, persipation, active brain (then becomes agrressive and cant speak)-Pretibial Myxedma (tissue growth-due to AB increasing that, non pitting), warm, lose weight and increased appetite, diarrhea, Graves opthalmopathy and Exothalamos (caused by other AB-not direct thyroixine) (makes eyes look like staring, and lose/double, etc vision)