Hypothesis Testing/Confidence Intervals Flashcards
Confidence Interval for p
a range of plausible values for p
takes the form: phat +- Margin of Error
ME in a confidence interval depends on…
Sampling Distribution
Confidence Interval Statement
We are X% confident than the true proportion of ___ lies between Z and Y.
What does the confidence interval tell us?
That we are using a method that will give us t he right answer X% of the time, not that there is a X% Probability that our confidence interval has P in it
Sample size calculation ask
How big should n be in a C% confidence interval for p so that the margin of error is a certain size?
Hypothesis Testing
A procedure based on sample evidence and probability used to test statements regarding population parameters
Null Hypothesis
Hypothesis of no change or status Quo, Presumed True unless overwhelming evidence to the contrary
Alternative Hypothesis
Hypothesis the researcher is trying to gather information in favor of. To reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative, overwhelming evidence must be demonstrated.
Errors in Hypothesis Testing
Rejecting Null H when it is true or not rejecting Null hypothesis when it is false. We have control over these types of errors because we decide what alpha is. Smaller values of a are reserved for situations in which making an error would have a serious consequence
Statistically Significant
When observed results are unlikely under the assumption that the null hypothesis is true then we reject the null hypothesis and we say that the result is statistically significant
Steps for Hypothesis Testing (general)
- Define parameter of interest in context
- State Null
- State Alternative
- Calculate Test Statistic
- Calculate P value
- Make decision
- state conclusions in context
- Check conditions required
is bell shaped like normal distribution, more spread out than normal distribution, indexed by degrees of freedom, as the degrees of freedom approach infinity, the t distribution approaches the normal
Matched Pairs- Dependent random samples, Case CQ
Suppose we have 2 dependent samples from a matched pairs design, we want to estimate the mean difference so we analyze the differences using the one sample T procudte
Independent Random Samples from two populations - Case CQ
Use equations
Analysis of Variance
extension of the two sample t-test
Are observed differences in sample means are likely to have occcured by chance just because of the random sampling?
Depends on the difference between the sample means and how much variability there is within each sample.
Hypothesis Testing- ANOVA, Hnull and Ha
h null- all means are equal
Ha- at least on the above equalities doesn’t hold
Case CC- inference for two proportions
two random samples from two populations.. We use sam,bling distribution of estimated proportions to make inferences about the p values.
Chi Square Test of Independence Hnull and Ha
Hnull- variables are independent
Halt- two variables are dependent
How do you find p value in chi square test?
df, read over to where the value falls in table and read up to bounds of p value on chart
Case QQ situation
we have a population of (x, y) pairs from the following populations with unknown means my = a + bx with an unknown standard deviation
Least Squares line
mean of case QQ. b is estimate (sigma hat) of population slope B and to make inferences about B we need to know the sampling distribution of b (represented by sigma sub b). This slope is the parameter of interest
Confidence Interval for B statement
we are C% confident that the change in mean response (y) per unit increase in x lies between ___ and ___
Case QQ Null and Alt
Null = slope is 0, no linear relationship between X and Y Alt = not 0, greater than (positive linear relationship) or less than 0 (negative linear relationship)