Hypothalamus Flashcards
Hypothalmus is a slave to the____
limbic system
3 main functions of the hypothalamus?
What autonomic preganglion does it project to?
which endocrine glands does it project to?
DIfference btwn stria terminalis with medullaris?
terminalis connects amygdala and hypothalamus
medullaris conects septal cortex with habenula. which in turn connects with rainstem and ventral tegmental area reward system
3rd ventricle forms medial walls of?
thalamus and hypothalamus
what is the median eminence?
3 functions?
which part of the pituitary is extensions from the hypothalamus, making it part of the CNS?
where do anterior and posterio pituitary drain to?
what is an endoscopic 3rd venticulostomy used for?
hormones of the anterior pituitary? posterior pituitary (3)
what axon is the infundibular stalk made of?
a brain injury to the pituitary stalk has what clinical signs?
Importantce of the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus
which hormones does it have releasing hormones for?
to the anterior or posterior pitutiary?
trace these axons.
importance of the suprachiasmatic nucleus?
where is it located?
importance of the preoptic area?
what are the 4 systems of the arcuate nucleus
where is the tuberomammillary nucleus?
what happens to lesion in this area?
why do antihistamines make you sleepy?
what is the function of the lateral hypothalamus?
1. paraventricular hypothalamic
2. Suprachiasmatic hypothalamus
3. preoptic
4. arcuate hypothalamic
5. tuberomamillary
6. Lateral hypothalamic
7. mamillary bodies