Hypothalamic & Pituitary Hormones Flashcards
How do hypothalamic hormones reach the anterior pituitary gland?
A branch of the hypophyseal artery ramifies into a capillary bed in the lower hypothalamus, and hypothalmic hormones destined for the anterior pituitary are secreted into that capillary blood.
Blood from those capillaries drains into hypothalamic-hypophyseal portal veins. Portal veins are defined as veins between two capillary beds; the hypothalamic-hypophyseal portal veins branch again into another series of capillaries within the anterior pituitary.

How do hormones enter the bloodstream from the anterior-pituitary and posterior pituitary glands?
Capillaries within the anterior pituitary, which carry hormones secreted by that gland, coalesce into veins that drain into the systemic venous blood ie., the hypophyseal vein. Those veins also collect capillary blood from the posterior pituitary gland.

What is the adenohypophysis and what types of hormones does it secrete?
The anterior pituitary or adenohypophysis is a classical gland composed predominantly of cells that secrete protein hormones:
eg., GH, TRH, GnRH, insulin
What is the neurohypophysis?
The posterior pituitary or neurohypophysis is not a separate organ, but an extension of the hypothalamus. It secretes the protein hormones ADH (vasopressin) & oxytocin.
It is composed largely of the axons of hypothalamic neurons which extend downward as a large bundle behind the anterior pituitary. It also forms the so-called pituitary stalk.
What are the different regions of the adenohypophysis, aka anterior pituitary?
- *Pars distalis** - the largest section
- *Pars tuberalis** - a collar of tissue that usually surrounds the infundibular stalk
- *Pars intermedia** - a narrow band that is usually separated from the pars distalis by a hypophyseal cleft

What are the different regions of the neurohypophysis, aka posterior pituitary gland?
- *Pars nervosa** - the bulk of the posterior pituitary
- *Median eminence** - the upper section of the neurohypophysis above the pars tuberalis
- *Infundibular stalk** - the “stem” that connects the pars nervosa to the base of the brain

What are the types of cells that comprise the pars distalis of the adenohypophysis, aka anterior pituitary, and what do they look like when stained with haematoxylin & eosin (H&E)?
- *Acidophils** have cytoplasm that stains red or orange
- *Basophils** have cytoplasm that stains a bluish color
- *Chromophobes** have cytoplasm that stains very poorly
The differential staining pattern described above is a reflection of the type of hormonal content of the cells.

In the pars distalis of the adenohypophysis, there are cells that stain in three different colour groups:
Acidophils, which stain pink or orange
Basophils, which stain bluish
Chromophobes, which stain poorly
Their colours reflect their different hormonal contents of the cells. What are the types of cells and what are the hormones produced by each type of cell?
ACIDOPHILS - cells that contain the peptide/protein hormones:
- *Somatotropes** produce GH
- *Lactotropes **produce PRL
BASOPHILS - cells that contain glycoprotein hormones:
- *Thyrotropes** produce TSH
- *Gonadotropes** produce LH & FSH
- *Corticotropes** produce adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH)
CHROMOPHOBES - Minimal or no hormonal content. Many may be acidophils or basophils that have degranulated and thereby are depleted of hormone. Some may also represent stem cells that have not yet differentiated into hormone-producing cells.
What type of trophic cells produce prolactin, where are they located, and what colour do they stain with H&E?
Lactotroph cells in the pars distalis of the adenohypophysis (anterior pituitary) produce prolactin, a peptide hormone. Lactotrophs are acidophils, staining red or orange with haematoxylin & eosin.
NB Somatotrophs, which produce GH (growth hormone), another peptide hormone, are also acidophils in the pars distalis of the adenohypophysis.
What type of pituitary trophic cells produce LH & FSH, where are they located and what colour do they stain with haematoxylin & eosin?
Gonadotrophs in the pars distalis of the adenohypophysis produce the reproductive glycoprotein hormones LH & FSH.
Gonadotrophs are basophils that stain bluish with H&E.
What types of cells produce glycoprotein hormones such as thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) & adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH)? Where are these cells located, and what colour do they stain in H&E?
The glycoproteins TSH & ACTH stimulate the thyroid & adrenal glands, so they are higher up in the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis.
They are produced & secreted by the anterior pituitary’s pars distalis, by thyrotrophs (for TSH) & corticotrophs (for ACTH).
They are basophils, so they stain blue in H&E.
What is the pars tuberalis? What is its embryological origin, and what is contained in the structure?
Pars tuberalis is an extension of the adenohypophysis aka anterior pituitary, and thus its embryological origin is the same: upward evagination from oral ectoderm (vs. downward fold from neural ectoderm that forms the hypothalamus & the neurohypophysis aka posterior pituitary gland).
The pars tuberalis contains cords of epithelial cells and is filled with hypophyseal portal vessels. It reportedly contains gonadotrophs and thyrotrophs, plus other secretory cells of unknown function

What is the pars intermedia & where is it located?
The pars intermedia is closely associated with pars nervosa, aka neurohypophysis, aka posterior pituitary gland.
It is separated from the pars distalis by the hypophyseal cleft. This lobe of the pituitary shows considerable variation in size among species.
Melanocyte-stimulating hormone is the predominant hormone secreted by the pars intermedia.

The pars nervosa is comprised of three parts, starting from the part closest to the hypothalamus:
median eminence
infundibular stalk
infundibular process
Which part is typically considered the posterior pituitary gland?
Infundibular process. This is the biggest part of the pars nervosa aka neurohypophysis.
What are the main secretory cells in the neurohypophysis aka posterior pituitary?
The bulk of the neurohypophysis is composed on largely unmyelinated axons from hypothalamic neurosecretory neurons. These axons have their cell bodies in the paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei of the hypothalamus.
These neurons secrete oxytocin (OTC) or antidiuretic hormone (ADH); ie., these are made by neurons in the hypothalamus & secreted by the posterior pituitary.
Roughly 100,000 axons participate in this process to form the posterior pituitary. In addition to axons, the neurohypophysis contains glial cells and other poorly-defined cells called called pituicytes.
What are Herring bodies?
Dilated areas or bulges in the terminal portion of axons that contain clusters of neurosecretory granules.
The granules contain oxytocin or antidiuretic hormone.
Herring bodies often are seen in association with capillaries.

What is often referred to as the “master gland” of the body?
What are the major hormones synthesized & secreted by the anterior pituitary gland aka adenohypophysis?
(name the cells that produce them, where in the anterior pituitary these cells are located, and whether they are acidophils or basophils)
Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) (gonadotrophs, pars distalis, basophils)
Luteinizing Hormone (LH) (gonadotrophs, pars distalis, basophils)
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH) (corticotrophs, pars distalis, basophils)
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) (thyrotrophs, pars distalis, basophils)
Prolactin (lactotrophs, pars distalis, acidophils)
Interstitial-Cell Stimulating Hormone (ICSH), the male version of LH. In males, ICSH aka LH stimulates testosterone production by the Leydig cells.
Growth Hormone (somatotrophs, pars distalis, acidophils)
What are the hormones secreted by the pars nervosa aka posterior pituitary? What types of cells synthesize these hormones, and where are they located?
Oxytocin & Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH aka Vasopressin)
What are the target organs of Growth Hormone, and what are its major physiological effects?
Liver & adipose tissue
Promotes growth (indirectly), control of protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism
- *Direct effects** are the result of growth hormone binding its receptor on target cells. Fat cells (adipocytes), for example, have growth hormone receptors, and growth hormone stimulates them to break down triglyceride and supresses their ability to take up and accumulate circulating lipids.
- Indirect effects** are mediated primarily by a insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), a hormone that is secreted from the liver and other tissues in response to growth hormone. *A majority of the growth-promoting effects of GH is actually due to IGF-I acting on its target cells.
How do GH & IGF-1 work together to promote growth?
GH stimulates the liver and other tissues to secrete IGF-I. IGF-I stimulates proliferation of chondrocytes (cartilage cells), resulting in bone growth.
IGF-I also appears to be the key player in muscle growth. It stimulates both the differentiation and proliferation of myoblasts. It also stimulates amino acid uptake and protein synthesis in muscle and other tissues.
What are three hormones involved in the CONTROL of GH synthesis & secretion?
Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) is a hypothalamic peptide that stimulates GH synthesis and secretion.
Somatostatin (SS) is a peptide produced by several tissues in the body, including the hypothalamus. SS inhibits GH release in response to GHRH and to other stimulatory factors such as low blood glucose concentration.
Ghrelin is a peptide hormone secreted from the stomach. Ghrelin binds to receptors on somatotrophs and potently stimulates GH secretion.
What diseases can occur with a defect in the GH receptor in target tissue or a deficiency in GH?
Growth retardation
What diseases can occur with excessive secretion of GH?
Giantism is the result of excessive growth hormone secretion that begins in young children or adolescents. It is a very rare disorder, usually resulting from a tumor of somatotropes.
Acromegaly results from excessive secretion of growth hormone in adults, usually the result of benign pituitary tumors. The onset of this disorder is typically insideous, occurring over several years. Clinical signs of acromegaly include overgrowth of extremities, soft-tissue swelling, abnormalities in jaw structure and cardiac disease. The excessive growth hormone and IGF-I also lead to a number of metabolic derangements, including hyperglycemia.