Hypophysis Anatomy Flashcards
What is the hypophysis?
Pituitary gland
Where does the pituitary develop from?
Adenohypophysis – from roof of mouth.
Neurohypophysis – from hypothalamus.
Is the pituitary larger in males or females?
It is slightly larger in females and Larger in pregnancy.
Relatively smaller in larger animals.
Where does the pituitary gland sit?
The hypophysis is ventral to hypothalamus in a bony recess in the basisphenoid (cavity is called the Hypophyseal fossa)
What is the turkish chair?
Sella turcica (“Turkish chair”) refers to the form of the fossa and the surrounding processes
The hypophysis pokes through a sheet of dura as the dura forms the…
The dura forms the diaphragma sellae, through which the hypophyseal stalk connects between the hypothalamus and the hypophysis.
Why is there no subarachnoid space around the hypophysis?
The hypophysis needs to be outside the BBB
What is the glandular portion of the pituitary and where does it lie?
Adenohypophysis - the anterior lobe
What is the Adenohypophysis made up of?
Pars tuberalis – monitors melatonin levels.
Pars intermedia – surrounds neurohypophysis in equidae and carnivores.
Pars distalis – main secretory region. Collection of cells, each secrete a different hormone.
Which species lacks the cleft of the hypophysis?
What is the neural part of the pituitary and where does it lie?
Neurohypophysis - the posterior lobe
What does the Neurohypophysis consist of?
Infundibulum – attached to tuber cinereum of hypothalamus.
Neural lobe – oxytocin and ADH produced here, this is essentially an out pouch of the brain
The adenohypophysis is hormonally linked to the hypothalamus via…
Via a capillary portal system.
The neurohypophysis is neurologically linked to the hypothalamus via…
via cell bodies in the hypothalamus as Axons extend down the stalk and end of axons (telodendria) in the neurohypophysis.
What is the pars intermedia formed from?
It is formed from Remnants of Rathke’s pouch
What is the function of the pars intermedia?
It produces melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH) in the fetus.
Adenomas of the pars intermedia (PPID in horses) produces what?
Produce both MSH and ACTH (because they share the same precursor: pro-opiomelanocortin aka POMC).
How is the adenohypophysis formed?
Upgrowth of ectoderm of roof of the developing mouth (stomodeum) aka Rathke’s pouch
Cups around developing neurohypophysis
Connection with mouth lost
If Rathke’s pouch does not differentiate into glandular tissue then what happens?
no adenohypophysis is formed, instead pituitary cysts result.
This results in pituitary dwarfism (GSDs).
How is the neurohypophysis formed?
Down growth of ectoderm of forebrain from diencephalon/future hypothalamus.
Retains connection with brain via infundibulum.
The hypothalamus contains GnRH cells, where do there migrate from?
GnRH releasing cells start life in the olfactory bud and migrate to their final position within the hypothalamus.
What is special about the capillaries of the pituitary?
The various hormones are released into the interstitial tissues of the hypothalamus and hypophysis.
The capillaries are of the fenestrated type to allow free flow of molecules into the circulation.
Lack tight junctions.
Therefore the blood-brain barrier is absent from these parts of the hypothalamus and the hypophysis
How are hormones such as ACTH and TSH released?
Releasing Factors produced within hypothalamus.
Circulate via the “hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal system” to the adenohypophysis.
Cause endocrine secretion.
How are neurohormones such as oxytocin and ADH (vasopressin) released?
Axons from supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei in hypothalamus form supraopticohypophyseal and paraventriculohypophyseal tracts.
Descend via the infundibulum to the neural lobe.
Terminations of axons release antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and oxytocin.