Hypogonadism male Flashcards
definition of hypogonadism - M
syndrome of low testosterone production, sperm production or both
aetiology of primary hypogonadism (hypergonadotrophic) - M
testicular failure:
gonadal dysgenesis - kilnefelter’s syndrome (XXY), undescended testes (cryptorchidism)
gonadal damage - post-orchitis/infection (eg mumps, HIV, brucellosis, leprosy), torsion, trauma, autoimmune, iatrogenic (chemo, surgery, radiation)
rare causes - defects in enzymes involved in testosterone synthesis, myotonic dystrophy, anorchia
renal failure, cirrhosis or alcohol excess (toxic to Leydig cells)
aetiology of secondary (hypogonadotrophic) hypogonadism - M
pit/hypothalamic lesions
GnRH deficiency - Kallmann’s syndrome (associated with anosmia and colour blindness), idiopathic
systemic/chronic diseases - COPD, HIV, DM
rare - genetic mutations
prader-willi syndrome - loss of critical region on chr 15 = obesity and short stature, small hands, almond shaped eyes, learning difficulty/postnatal hypotonia
laurence-moon-beidl syndrome - obesity, retinitis pigmentosa, learning difficulty
genetic mutations that cause secondary hypogonadism - M
gene encoding GPR54 (the kisspeptic receptor), GnRH receptor LH, FH. leptin, leptin receptor, DAX1 (associated with congenital adrenal hypoplasia), LHX3, LHX4, HESX1, PROP-1 (transcription factors necessary for early differentiation of the pituitary)
epidemiology of hypogonadism - M
primary = 30-40% of male infertility
secondary 1-2%
10-20% cases of male infertility due to disorders of sperm transport and 40-50% are non-classifiable
most common cause of primary = klinefelter’s (one in 500-1000 live births)
symptoms of hypogonadism - M
- delayed puberty
- incomplete puberty
- reduced virilisation
- eunuchoid body
- reduced secondary sex characteristics
small testes
low libido, impotence, infertility
loss of pubic hair
reduced muscle bulk
increased fat
reduced mood
symptoms of the underlying cause eg klinefelters - interlectual dysfunction and behavioural abnormalities which cause difficulty in social interactions
signs of hypogonadism
measure testicular volume with prader’s orchidometer (ellipsoids of different sizes) - normal adult testicular vol = 15-25ml
signs of prepubertal hypogonadism - M
delayed puberty = high pitched voice, low pubic/axillary/facial hair, small/undescended testes, small phallus
eunuchoid proportions - arm span >height, lower segment>upper segment - due to delayed fusion opf epiphyses and continued growth of long bones
features of underlying cause - cryptorchidism, anosmia in Kallmann’s
signs of postpubertal hypogonadism
low pubic/axillary/facial hair
soft and small testes
fine perioral wrinkles
features of underlying cause eg visual field defects due to a pit tumour, signs of systemic/chronic illness
investigations for hypogonadism - M
serum testosterone, SHBG, and albumin - calculate serum free testosterone
primary - low testosterone, high LH FSH
secondary - low testosterone, low or inappropriately normal LH FSH
determine the level of defect:
- primary
- karyotype - exclude klinefelter’s
- secondary
- pit func test s- 9am cortsol, TFTs, prolactin,
- MRI of the hypothalamus
- visual filed testing
- smell tests for anosmia
- iron studies - ferritin and transferrin saturation of haemochromatocytosis is suspected
- bone age - in boys with delayed puberty, setermine dby comparison of the radiography of pts bone in L jand and wrist with bone of standard atlas - allow assessment of skeletal maturation and potential future skeletal growth
mx of hypogonadism
treatment of underling cause
primary - testosterone either topical / IM
* prolactinoma - dopamine antagonist (cabergoline)
* hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism - testosterone
Assisted reproductive tech (ART) if wanting fertility (IVF / ICSI)
if secondary - gonadotrophin therapu/selective oestorgen receptor modulator / aromatase inhibitor
complications of hypogonadism - M
skin irritation from testosterone patch / gel
erythrocytosis (high haematocrit) - from IM testosterone
increase in PSA
testicular shrinkage
pulmonary oil microembolism with long acting IM testosterone - cough, dyspnoea, throat tightening, chest pain, dizziness, and syncope
features of klinefelters
often taller than average
lack of secondary sexual characteristics
small, firm testes
gynaecomastia - increased incidence of breast cancer
elevated gonadotrophin levels