Hypoglycaemia Flashcards
What is the definition of hypoglycaemia?
- Blood glucose 3mmol/L or less
- Context dependent, if patient is symptomatic at around 4mmol/L its probably wise to treat
- ‘4 is the floor’
Which diabetes is a hypo more common in?
Type 1
Type 2 in the elderly and in renal impairment, or if treated with insulin and sulfonylureas
What symptoms occur in hypoglycaemia?
Autonomic - Sweating, anxiety, tremor, hunger, palpitations, dizziness
Neuroglycopenic - Confusion, drowsiness, visual trouble, seizures, coma, transient hemiplegia
What are some potential causes of hypoglycaemia?
- Insulin or sulfonylurea treatment
- Increased activity
- Missed meal
- Accidental or non accidental overdose
What are some potential causes of hypoglycaemia in a non diabetic? (EXPLAIN)
Ex - Exogenous drugs - insulin, oral hypoglycaemics, alcohol, aspirin poisoning, ACEi, Betablockers
P - Pituitary insufficiency
L - Liver failure
A - Addisons disease
I - Islet cell tumours (insulinomas), immune hypoglycaemia
N - Non pancreatic neoplasms eg fibrosarcomas
What investigations would you do?
Bloods - - Glucose, insulin, c-peptide, plasma ketones - LFT'S - Exclude liver failure - May need to do 72hr fasting Urinalysis - Glucose and ketones
What is the immediate management in hypoglycaemia in a patient who is conscious, oriented and able to swallow?
- Fast acting CHO eg glucojuice, cold sweet drink, 5-7 glucose tablets
- Measure after 15 minutes and repeat cycle up to 3 times if needed
- If no response, treat as unconscious hypoglycaemia
What is the immediate management in hypoglycaemia in a patient who is conscious and able to swallow, but is confused?
- Treat as mild if cooperative
- If uncooperative, 1.5-2 tubes of glucose gel squeezed into mouth
- Measure after 15 minutes and repeat cycle up to 3 times if needed
What is the immediate management in hypoglycaemia in a patient who is unconscious/aggressive/NMB?
- Check ABCDE
- Stop IV insulin and secure IV access
- Administer 75ml 20% glucose over 10-15 minutes (using braun pump, set pump at 300mls/hr stopped after 15 minutes)
- If no IV access, adminster glucagon IM
- Recheck capillary blood glucose after 10 mins. If below 4mmol/L repeat IV glucose or consider glucose infusion of 50ml/hr.
What is the dose for IM glucagon?
Can only be given once
When do you start IV insulin after hypoglycaemia?
When CBG >4mmol/L
What do you give a patient when their blood glucose recovers?
A long acting carbohydrate eg a slice of toast
What does hypoglycaemic hyperinsulinaemia mean as to the cause of hypoglycaemia?
- Insulinoma
- Sulfonylurea/insulin injection
- Congenital HH
What does low insulin and no ketones in the blood mean as to the cause of hypoglycaemia?
- Non pancreatic neoplasm
- Anti insulin receptor antibodies
What does decreased insulin and increased ketones in the blood mean as to the cause of hypoglycaemia?
- Alcohol
- Pituitary insufficiency
- Addison’s disease